The Ashes of Outland expansion has finally arrived in Hearthstone bringing the Demon Hunter — the first new class added to the game in six years of existence!
Obviously, the introduction of this new class shook the meta upside down — especially since Ashes of Outland also introduces two new keywords, as well as a new type of cards: Primes.
With this in mind, we drafted this guide based on a couple of decklists to help you understand how to play the archetype properly.
Objective and game plan
In the vast majority of matchups, the Galakrond Priest archetype will manage the opposing creatures while exhausting the resources of the opponent.
For this, it relies largely on the Invoke effect of Galakrond the Unspeakable. As the game progresses, Anduin will generate so many cards that it will become too difficult to fight, especially in the late-game. However, you should avoid aggressive decks which, paradoxically, put enough pressure on the deck to get by.
- Against aggressive decks
This mulligan will mainly concern Tempo Demon Hunters and Face Hunters. At first, we will have to time out so keeping cards like Penance and Breath of the Infinite is highly recommended. Wild Pyromancer can also be part of the choices to keep, especially in combination with Renew and Apotheosis. Shadow Madness can also be helpful.
- Against slower decks
Here, we're talking about the Highlander Mage, Warrior and Rogue. Overall, these decks give you time to summon Galakrond, especially the Mage and the mirror. So do not hesitate to keep it in the starting hand. To ensure a curve earlier, you'll then look for all Invoke effects such as all conjurations such as the Disciple of Galarond or the Shield of Galakrond.
Little tips to know
- Once Apotheosis is cast on the Wild Pyromancer, the damage it inflicts after casting a spell also has Lifesteal.
- Sethekk Veilweaver will only cast a Priest spell when the player targets a minion with a spell. This means that the effect procs with Time Rip but won't with Breath of the Infinite.
- Use Madame Lazul to know the opposing hand! In this way, you will have a better chance of making the right decision in addition to generating value.
Possible replacements
- Depending on the meta
At the beginning of this month, many aggressive decks are prowling to climb to the top of the ranking, especially Demon Hunters. To better counter them, many replacements can be made: cut out the Fate Weaver to integrate two Holy Nova, replace a Sethekk Veilweaver by a second Wild Pyromancer and take in an Overconfident Orc in place of the Mindflayer Kaahrj ... A Mo'arg Artificer can also be useful.
- Depending on your dust stock
This deck has a lot of legendary cards, but not all of them are essentials. You can cut Madame Lazul, Mindflayer Kaahrj and replace them by two Overconfident Orc.