From runes to items, gameplay tips amd more, we've put together a guide to help you master playing Rammus in the jungle in League of Legends.
Be mindful that there are several ways to build and play a champion, and you'll need to be adaptable as the game and the enemy team progress.
That said, this guide is a good starting point to helping you get to grips with the champion and making an impact in your games.
Core Items
Turbo Chemtank is a great item for tanks who need more mobility, especially when closing down champions during ganks.
Thornmail offers a lot of survivability, as well as applying Grievous Wounds.
Other good items include Dead Man's Plate (a core item for the mobility), Force of Nature, and Randuin's Omen.
Starting Item & Boots
Skill Order
While your choices may differ according to how the game progresses, the typical Rammus skill priority is:
R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells
These are the summoner spells most typically taken by Rammus in this role. Naturally, this may change depending on match-ups.
Rammus is all about engaging ganks. He's a nightmare for AD champions, especially those who are melee such as Yasuo and Talon. Dive into a champion using a full-speed Powerball, and then spam your abilities for maximum crowd control, allowing your teammates to clean up. However, be mindful that once you've used Powerball, you become highly static.
- Level 1 - Take W - Defensive Ball Curl, so you can farm jungle camps more safely.
- Level 2 - Take Q - Powerball, so you can get around the jungle more quickly.
- First Back - A Bramble Vest is always a good idea, for the Grievous Wounds and defensive stats.
Tips & Tricks
- Powerball increases your speed gradually, not all at once. Time it right so that you enter lane at full speed, rather than too early or too late.
- Powerball will end if you collide with a minion or monster, so pay attention to the enemy's positioning.
- Activating Defensive Ball Curl during Powerball means the Powerball will end one second later. Try to time the defensive spell for when you're just about to hit the enemy.
- Soaring Slam means you can initiate teamfights, especially when enemies are grouped. This has great synergy with the likes of Yasuo, whose ult depends on knock ups.