On April 30, the official launch of Legends of Runeterra will be accompanied by a new expansion bringing new cards for many factions. After introducing Quinn and Sejuani, as well as two keywords — Scout and Vulnerable — Riot Games revealed that Maokai would soon join the Shadow Isles faction, from League of Legends to Legends of Runeterra.
Maokai also brings a brand new keyword to the game: Toss.
To level up, Maokai will have to see units die or cards Tossed, for a total of 25 times.
This new ability will obliterate X non-champion cards from the bottom of your deck.
This new keyword is obviously a limitation that often pairs with aggro cards that have a really strong effect. Maokai will certainly be played in decklists that intend to burst down the opponent as fast as possible before running out of cards.