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Lost Ark: The game is officially banned in Belgium and the Netherlands

Lost Ark: The game is officially banned in Belgium and the Netherlands

It's now official: Lost Ark will not be published in Belgium or the Netherlands due to the "anti-gambling" laws in force in these countries.

Lost Ark: The game is officially banned in Belgium and the Netherlands

The news has been debated for several weeks now: Lost Ark will not be available in some Western countries while the game is scheduled to be deployed in all other countries in Europe and North America from Friday, February 11, 2022.

In which countries is Lost Ark unavailable?

According to Amazon Games Studio, only Belgium and the Netherlands will not have direct access to Lost Ark . Players from these countries can therefore neither access the game's test realms nor the official Lost Ark realms. The laws in force in these two countries prevent Amazon Games Studio from publishing the MMOARPG developed by Smilegate there.

What are the reasons for the banning of Lost Ark in some countries?

Officially, the reason given is that " laws relating to random rewards from paid content " prohibit the publication of Lost Ark in these countries. Understand here that the store accessible in game in exchange for real money offers chests with a chance of obtaining a vast quantity of different objects, thus encouraging the player to buy several (many) in order to obtain the object. exactly what he is looking for. It is likely the Chests of Gems and Packs of Cards that could be affected.

However, that is not all since the implications of the Refining system could also be involved. While this system offers to improve your equipment in exchange for components obtained in the high level contents, it is actually very random. Refining does indeed have a chance of failing, with this chance decreasing after each failure.

Since 15 refinement levels are available for each item, the amount of materials required for optimal equipment is colossal. But with the possible introduction of Mari's Secret Shop allowing the acquisition of high-level components in exchange for real money, it is highly likely that the anti-gambling laws set forth in Belgium and the Netherlands will have them even more. encouraged to prohibit access to a game with " predatory commercial practices " according to some players.

This is only speculation for the moment, as Mari's Secret Shop was not available in the Beta version of Lost Ark in November 2021. Nevertheless, even if this was not questioned, the official Twitter account dedicated to Lost Ark has indeed confirmed the reasons for this ban in these two countries, reasons in the best case related to the random chests offered in the store.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

Christophe Gillijns 2 years ago

This is just ridiculous. Let ppl decide by themself if they want to spend money on it or not but not allowing me to play a game i want to play is just removing my freedom. It starts to make me feel like we live in north korea.

Emma Serneels 2 years ago

To all the ppl still looking for a way around this, it's very easy.<br /> You download a vpn, some offer free trials and cashback.<br /> For example set your location to the US and then all you gotta do is go to the Lost Ark store page IN YOUR BROWSER, not app and add it to your library from there. If you have trouble just ask someone to send you the store link directly. Once it's added to your library it will behave like your other steam games and there will be no more issues.

SharksDontEatCake 2 years ago

so irl gambling and drugs oh thats fine but some gambling in a game OH HECK NAH

SharksDontEatCake 2 years ago

so irl gambling and drugs oh thats fine but some gambling in a game OH HECK NAH

xSerenity 2 years ago

Maplestory has been out for decades and has always been p2w.. every mmorpg out there is. But the % varies. Games like gunz was 100% p2w after they created prem meds where it healed double the amount of a reg heal. <br /> <br /> Cable online wasnt p2w but definitely some p2w items. <br /> <br /> And theyre not talking about p2w lmao. Theyre talking about gambling gacha.. which is like hearthstone and every card game out there.. even league of legends has rng drake spawns ..

xSerenity 2 years ago

Maplestory has been out for decades and has always been p2w.. every mmorpg out there is. But the % varies. Games like gunz was 100% p2w after they created prem meds where it healed double the amount of a reg heal. <br /> <br /> Cable online wasnt p2w but definitely some p2w items. <br /> <br /> And theyre not talking about p2w lmao. Theyre talking about gambling gacha.. which is like hearthstone and every card game out there.. even league of legends has rng drake spawns ..

RQD2 2 years ago

p2w rng is you don't get what you paid for, gamers that hate this should boycott these companies

xMovingTarget 3 years ago

Good. Now do this in every country and force devs to get rid of that garbage in their games.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

Gabriel Acosta 3 years ago

Totally agree, games like this are a cancer that are infecting our system. making people adicted to buy your shitty p2w and some of them even losing everything they have.<br /> <br /> the game should be fun to play and of course some micro transaction will keep the game alive but no to the extremes as this shitty, i was exited to play but since i read the reasons why is banned i am happy this cant be possible.

sleeping cat 3 years ago

games like fifa apb rocket league have this issue under control. You cant get lootboxes anymore when you are from the netherlands or belgium. So amazon can also fix this problem and just ban the boxes for people with a belgium and dutch ip. But i guess its to much work them so they fuck us in the ass. Also this fucking law is bullshit netherland turned into a shit country long time ago. And i aint going to use a vpn because i want to play with my main steam account and not with some random account. guess i will just wait a little longer since i will be moving to denmark anyway XD

geelectrodude 3 years ago

Remember when they said The Netherlands was a land of freedom?<br /> well that was a fucking lie

geelectrodude 3 years ago

Remember when they said The Netherlands was a land of freedom?<br /> well that was a fucking lie

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

David Lopez 3 years ago

Finally an extremely good law. Hit them hard. Let's make this into EU law. We don't want this kind of trash

Steve 3 years ago

this is for all those affected and the nerds complaining here... Just VPN problems solved... sure you will suffer some latency and cant be a top player because of this but using a good VPN you can play games banned in your country and nobodies gonna be the wiser!

Steve 3 years ago

this is for all those affected and the nerds complaining here... Just VPN problems solved... sure you will suffer some latency and cant be a top player because of this but using a good VPN you can play games banned in your country and nobodies gonna be the wiser!

DeviantOldMagic 3 years ago

It sucks but RNG is worst than cancer! I hate it work my heart and my soul!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Dennis Vanaudenaerde 3 years ago

This is fucking ridiculous... This whole law itself is shortsighted and robbing people of freedom. I want to be able to do with my money what i want... End of story, no discussion. Am i against loot boxes? Sure, but then i just don't buy them... There we go problem solved. And do you know the story behind the law thats now in place? This law came here because some Belgian kid took the credit card of his parents and used it too buy items in Fortnite for several thousand euro's... And who's fault is that? The parents... They should monitor their kid better... And now the rest of us all get punished... Its completely ridiculous. Also... Fuck off developers. You can easily fix this by not making the "gambling" items available in our country. But noooo that takes effort... Anyhow, if the devs are that lazy then maybe its better we can't play this game. A big fuck you to both the devs and our goverment for this!!!

Faidzal Haman 3 years ago

Just remove the loot box?

Faidzal Haman 3 years ago

Just remove the loot box?

Tom De Laet 3 years ago

Just to let you guys now this is probably not because of the enhancing (e.g. BDO isn't blocked in these countries). It's only because of the packs for sale. If they would block them for purchase in Belgium and the Netherlands we would be able to play but since they're to lazy we can't.

Tom De Laet 3 years ago

Just to let you guys now this is probably not because of the enhancing (e.g. BDO isn't blocked in these countries). It's only because of the packs for sale. If they would block them for purchase in Belgium and the Netherlands we would be able to play but since they're to lazy we can't.

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