We need to admit that the Hearthstone community is more excited about the future nerfs of Luna's Galaxy and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius that it is about this hotfix. However, since it's probably the most popular card of theses days, fixing and upgrading Zephrys the Great can't be a bad idea — especially if this prevents future bugs and abuses without them even appearing.
- Zephrys will give more importance to your opponent's weapons: if you have (2) mana left while your opponent has a weapon equipped, Zephrys will probably give you an Acidic Swamp Ooze.
- It will be conscious of the fact that it needs to handle ALL weapons, even if they have 0 attack such as legendary weapons.
- Some cards such as Avenging Wrath, Bloodsail Corsair, or Holy Fire weren't suggested in the proper situation.
- Overall, Zephrys the Great should be more interested with the board.
Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by Millenium.us.org