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Teamfight Tactics — RiotMort and Blastuoise Q&A stream recap

Teamfight Tactics — RiotMort and Blastuoise Q&A stream recap

Two members from the Teamfight Tactics development team — RiotMort and Blastuoise — have taken part in a Q&A stream and answered a lot of different questions about the future of the game. Read on!

Teamfight Tactics — RiotMort and Blastuoise Q&A stream recap

This kind of opportunity is pretty rare: having the possibility to chat with Teamfight Tactics developers isn't something you would miss — especially if they accept to answer your questions.

Rioters Blaustoise and Mortdog accepted to play that kind of game and here are some of their thoughts on the future of the Convergence!

General Thoughts

  • Playing Pantheon with a Yuumi within a Full Sorcerer composition was completely broken since his AP-scaling ability would cause 60% HP damage on the entire enemy team. It goes without saying that this was worst when he was carrying a Morellonomicon...
  • Kayle and Swain have currently no mana lock — meaning they can indefinitely use their ability. Riot is still trying to figure out if this is a good or a bad thing.
  • They specifically want champions such as Katarina to be bad unless they're carrying items.
  • They think giving full items to people is actually a much better way to get people trying new things instead of constantly building the same items.
  • Void was meant to counter Noble and Guardians, however, it happened to be good in any given situation. Nobles are all or nothing and Riot do like that, but the (6) Noble is perceived as too strong — especially since a (6) Noble composition with Tier 1 champions shouldn't be that strong. Riot want to shift into compositions being counters without having some traits that are too generally good.
  • They admit that three-stars champions are not worth chasing. They're currently working on the solution and had the idea to increase all three-stars stats by 20.

The Future of TFT

  • Season 2 is "not that far away" meaning we should soon see 60 Champions blast into the Convergence!
  • Ghosts — i.e. mirror images of your opponents that you sometimes face — will have traits next patch.
  • Spectate is a high priority and will enable things such as tournaments.
  • Riot plans on adding Tenacity items.
  • They're looking at adding "surprise bosses" beyond Elder Dragon and Rift's Herald. Time for a Nashor, isn't it?

As usual, among all these pieces of information, we had the opportunity to catch some leak about future possible nerfs: Leona is targeted because of the incredible power of her ability. Gangplank will also be probably nerfed, but Riot still need to figure out if its power comes from the Champion or from the items he's carrying.

Will Patch 9.17 turn Teamfight Tactics meta upside down?

Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.17 looks like it's bring a huge load of changes to Shapeshifters and healing mechanics, meaning the current Noble/Void/Brawler-centered meta will probably be disrupted. What's next though?

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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