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LoL Worlds 2019 — Grand Finals Most anticipated champions

LoL Worlds 2019 — Grand Finals Most anticipated champions

This Sunday is the grand final of the League of Legends World Championships between G2 and FPX! Let's take a look at the picks that may be present in this anthological BO5 and the strengths in each of the teams.

LoL Worlds 2019 — Grand Finals Most anticipated champions

G2 and FPX will compete this Sunday to win the League of Legends World Championship 2019. These two talented teams did not reach the final by chance, and their confrontation will remain etched in their memories. To put all the chances on their side, coaches will have to overcome the draft phase by providing their players with their best picks, while depriving the enemy team of theirs. Let's take a look at the picks that we expect to see!

League of Legends

If the G2s stay true to themselves on Sunday, we will see compositions that can easily move around on the map and with a high dive potential. On the G2 side, Wunder might pick is Kled — a double-edged choice since the champion perfectly fit G2's style while being entirely known and mastered by FPX.

Another trendy pick that synergizes very well with Yasuo is Ornn. The Fire below the Mountain is one of the only tanks that could survive Gimgoon's Renekton. Being more of a splitpush player, Gimgoon can also tend to play scaling champions like Camille, Mordekaiser or Gangplank. The Saltwater Scourge is probably the most feared toplaner for G2. While both Wunder and Gimgoon apparently seem not really fans of Kayle, she is probably the champion with the most scaling in the game — which means they both need to respect this destructive champion.

League of Legends

In the jungle, Jankos and Tian have been playing more or less the same champions since the beginning of the Worlds. The meta being very focused on champions with very big scaling in lane (Ryze, Kayle, etc.) the active junglers at the beginning of the game appear mandatory.

Gragas is Tian's most played champion: his gank potential is very strong at the beginning of the game thanks to the Predator Rune and his contribution to magic damage is not negligible.

On the other side of the map, Gragas could also be played by G2. The synergy he has with Yasuo could be devastating for both teams.

Lee Sin, Elise, Rek'Sai and Jarvan IV are also champions that have their place in many compositions, they will necessarily be played one part or another. Qiyana is likely to appear if not banned; she has extreme snowball ability and can be played at mid-point. Olaf is a very good pick against these aggressive champions and can completely turn the jungle upside down, but his effectiveness in the middle of the game is diminishing until it disappears.

League of Legends

Two monstrous players compete in the midlane, but their styles are completely different.! On the one hand, Caps stands out for its aggressive and stifling style, capable of destroying the opposing midlaner with picks like Syndra, Akali, Yasuo or Ryze.

Facing him stands Doinb, who surprised many with champions like Malphite, Sion, or Nautilus whom he particularly likes. His ability to play toplaners as well as supports makes him a 'flex picks' machine — a definite advantage for FPX drafts. In addition, Doinb showed a monstrous Ryze in several games, and — if they don't insta-ban him — G2 must absolutely do what it takes to capture the Runic Mage.

League of Legends

Xayah & Rakan for G2, Kai'Sa & Nautilus for FPX: these are the two most powerful combinations in the botlane and the two finalist teams are each keen on one of them. Don't dream too much, it will be hard for everyone to get their hands on these synergies... If the Yasuo from Perkz is available, the champion has already proven his worth and will probably be very interesting with an Alistar or Gragas from Mikyx. On the Funplus side, we can also expect a Varus & Tahm Kench bot. Crisp being also a fan of grab champions, seeing him on Pyke or Blitzcrank is another possibility.

Even if the players' performances are very important in a League of Legends game, the draft phase is one of the keys to master in order to increase your chances of winning. Both teams have strong strengths and the team that will be able to impose its style of play will have a definite advantage. The level of competition was very high this year and the final will probably bring many surprises.

Worlds 2019 — FunPlus Phoenix are your World Champions!

It's D-Day! The League of Legends Worlds 2019 Grand Finals just ended with the win of FunPlus Phoenix. G2 Esports failed to achieve the Grand Slam, and lost 0-3 while facing the LPL champions.

Nam Fish

À contre-courant, comme un poisson dans l'eau...

Co-written with : Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

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