League of Legends World Championship 2019
LoL World Championship 2019 breaks audience records

We already knew that the match opposing G2 Esports to FunPlus Phoenix became the most-watched esports event of all time. Since then, Riot revealed that the League of Legends World Championship 2019 also broke all audience records.

Video/Photo courtesy of Riot Games

44 million peak concurrent viewers. This is the record that was achieved by the League of Legends World Championship this year. Along 120 games played over roughly one month, more than 1 billion hours of content were watched.

Infographic by Riot Games - League of Legends
Infographic by Riot Games

Overall, the whole event achieved a 21.8 million average minute audience, which means that 21.8 million people watched one of the 20 broadcasts during any 60-second portion of that broadcast. In comparison, the Fortnite World Cup only reached a peak of 2.3 million concurrent viewers, and the final only achieved a 90,000 average minute audience.

In addition to this incredible audience record, it appears that this World Championship 2019 offers a meta much more diverse than any previous event. It seems to imply that Riot Games is slowly but steadily achieving the miracle of making all of the 146 (and soon 147) champions playable in a competitive environment.

Infographic by Riot Games - League of Legends
Infographic by Riot Games

According to Riot Games, "LCS became the third most popular major professional sports league among 18-34-year-olds in the United States." (Source)

Looking five, or even ten years ago, this achievement would have looked unthinkable. Do you feel the esports rising?

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Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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