Following the recent buff of the jungle camps, Riot Games is bringing some new changes to the Immolate mechanic to improve the clear of tank junglers. Bami's Cinder, Cinderhulk, and Sunfire Cape are receiving a quite heavy buff that should help restore an healthy gameplay experience...
Item Balance Changes
Bami's Cinder
Change on UNIQUE Passive:
- Immolate: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 6-23 (+0.02 bonus health) and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you
Change on UNIQUE Passive:
- Immolate: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 12-29 (+0.04 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you
Sunfire Cape
Change on UNIQUE Passive:
- Immolate: Once every 10 seconds, your next immobilizing ability deals 26-43 (+0.05 bonus health) to all enemies it hits and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Combine cost lowered from 380 → 330 (Due to Stopwatch price increase)
Guardian Angel
Combine cost lowered from 100 → 50 (Due to Stopwatch price increase)
Cost increased from 600 → 650
Zonya's Hourglass
Combine cost lowered from 300 → 250 (Due to Stopwatch price increase)