Champion Balance Changes

R - Glacial Storm
• Chill duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

W - Blood Rush
• Movement speed increased: 40/45/50/55/60% → 50/55/60/65/70%

R - Onslaught of Shadows
• Fear duration increased from .75-1.5s based on distance to 0.75-2s based on distance

Passive - The Darkin Scythe
• At 10-13 minutes into the game, Kayn will increase his orb gain speed by 15%, rising throughout the duration.

• AD per level increased from 2.26 to 2.5
• Mana regen: 6.072 → 7
W - Wolf's Frenzy
• Missing health restored increased: 32-100 (levels 1-18) based on her missing health → 49-100 (levels 1-18) based on her missing health
R - Lamb's Respite
• Heal increased from 200/250/300 to 250/325/400

• Movement speed increased from 330 to 335
W - Tormented Shadow
• [New] "Tormented Shadow deals 1.5% damage to non epic monsters."
E - Black Shield
• Shield amount increased from 60/120/180/240/300 to 80/135/190/245/300

• Mana regen per level increased from .8 to 1
W - Rune Prison
• Damage increased from 80/100/120/140/160 to 80/110/140/170/200

Q - Starcall
• Total heal increased from 40/50/60/70/80 (+0.3 ability power) to 50/60/70/80/90 (+0.3 ability power)
• Movement speed increased from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%

Q - Corrosive Charge
• Slow duration increased from 1s to 1.25s
E - Disdain
• Stun duration increased from .75s to 1s

• Base AD increased from 50.71 to 52
• AD per level increased from 2.625 to 2.7
• Base armor increased from 22.55 to 23
Q - Baleful Strike
• Damage increased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 80/120/160/200/240

W - Eye of Destruction
• Center damage amp increased from 50% to 66.7%
R - Rite of the Arcane
• Damage increased from 200/240/280 (+43% AP) to 200/250/300 (+45% AP)

• Lifesteal lowered from 8-25% to 3-20%
• Damage to minions lowered from 45% to 30%
• Damage lowered from 30-173% tAD to 24-164% tAD

W - Crippling Strike
• Bonus damage lowered from 50/55/60/65/70% tAD to 40/45/50/55/60% tAD
• Mana cost increased from 30 to 40
E - Apprehend
• Mana cost increased from 45 to 70/60/50/40/30

• MR per level lowered from 1.25 to .75
E - Judgment
• Crit scaling lowered from 50% to 33%

Passive - Absolution
• Mist stack AD lowered from 1 to .75
• Weakened Soul cooldown per champion changed from 4 to [6/5/4 at levels 1/6/11]

R - Hallucinate
• Clone auto-attack damage lowered from 75% tAD to 60% tAD

Passive - Blaze
• [New] "Brand deals 1.2% damage to monsters and deals a maximum of 80 damage per second."

Q - Twilight Assault
• Max monster damage increased from 75/100/125/150/175 to 120/140/160/180/200

Q - Blinding Dart
• [New] "Teemo blinds minions and monsters for 2% of his blind's base duration."
E - Toxic Shot
• [New] "Toxic Shot's poison does 1.5 damage to monsters."

Base Stats
• Base HP lowered from 577.8 to 540
• Mana increased from 265.84 to 300
• Mana per level increased from 38 to 45
• MP5 lowered from 8.042 to 8
• Base MR lowered from 32.1 to 28
Passive - Stone Skin
• Armor changed from [4/6/8 per nearby champion] to [5 + .33~ per level]
• [Removed] Magic resistance
• [New] Now grants .5% max health regen per 5s
• [New] Bonuses are increased by 62.5% for 5 seconds every time Wukong or his clone hit an enemy champion or monster (stacking up to 8 times)
• Armor and regen increase by 50% for 5 seconds whenever Wukong or his clone hit an enemy champion or large monster, stacking up to 10 times (up to [30-66] armor and 3% max health per 5 seconds)
• Now checks for enemies every .25s instead of every 1s.
Q - Crushing Blow
• Bonus damage changed from [10/15/20/25/30 (+0-40% AD)] to [30/55/80/105/130 (+50% bAD)]
• Bonus range changed from 125 to 75/100/125/150/175
• Cooldown increased from 9/8/7/6/5 to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7
• Mana cost changed from 40 to 30/35/40/45/50
• Cast time now scales with attack speed
• [New] Whenever Wukong or his clone deal damage with basic attacks or spells, Q's cooldown is reduced by .5s
W - Warrior Trickster
• [New] Now has a 300 range dash that can't go over walls
• Stealth duration lowered from 1.5s to 1s
• No longer does AOE magic damage on despawn.
• Cooldown increased from 18/16/14/12/10 to 20/19/18/17/16
• Mana cost changed from 50/55/60/65/70 to 60 at all ranks
• The clone now mimics Wukong's attacks and ultimate but deals 60/65/70/75/80% damage
• Basic attacks: The clone will attempt to attack enemies Wukong has recently attacked.
• Q: Empower's clone's next attack.
• E: The clone gains the Attack Speed buff
• R: The clone starts spinning and will knock up enemies that haven's been knocked up already
• The clone mirrors Wukong's animation state on spawn
• Attacks from the tower instantly kill the clone
E - Nimbus Strike
• Damage changed from [65-205 (+80% bAD) physical] to [80/120/160/200/240 (+80% AP) Magic]
• Attack speed buff duration increased from 4 to 5
• Cooldown changed from 8 to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
• Mana cost lowered from 45/50/55/60/65 to 40/45/50/55/60
• Offset distance from unit dashed to changed from 0 to 75
R - Cyclone
• R can now be cast a second time within 8 seconds. The second cast won't knock up enemies hit by the first.
• Spin duration lowered from 4s to 2s
• Knock up duration lowered from 1s to 0.75s
• Damage per second changed from [20/110/200 (+110% tAD)] to [110% tAD +4/6/8% max HP (+1.1% per 100 tAD)]
• Movespeed while spinning changed from [5-40% based on time] to [20%]
• Lockout time between R casts increased from .5s to 1s
• Tick rate lowered from .5s to .25s — Each tick of damage now applies Conqueror
• Attack range while spinning lowered from 175 to 50
• E's attack speed duration is refreshed while spinning

Passive - Shepherd of Souls
• [New] Yorick now raises graves on large monster deaths and Mist Walkers take 50% reduced damage from monsters

Passive - Garden of Thorns
• [New] "Zyra's plants deal 150% damage to non-epic monsters."

After months of tests, Riot Games seems to finally be satisfied with Wukong's rework as they announced on twitter that the current build will be the one making it to live servers on patch 10.6!