With the coronavirus pandemic, the Overwatch League has encountered many issues — above and beyond the health and safety of the teams, players and staffs. Some logistical issues, which are very complex in this context of online matches, require all players to be present in the same region to avoid ping problems.
Guangzhou Charge is facing a new problem related to visas for its non-Korean players. The team is for the moment based in South Korea. It had left to base itself in Seoul very early after the arrival of the virus to protect its players as much as possible. With the duration of the crisis in time, neptuNo's visa has expired and he will have to leave South Korea. He won't be able to participate in the next games until he can return to Asia.
International transport being affected by this pandemic, obtaining visas for players is a complexe task. The team has announced that they will continue to do their best to allow neptuNo and Wya to play the next matches, and will inform fans as soon as they have new information to share.