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LoL: The controversial change to a forgotten rune that could have the opposite intended effect

LoL: The controversial change to a forgotten rune that could have the opposite intended effect

Fleet Footwork is part of League of Legends' forgotten runes category, and Riot Games is preparing an upgrade for it. However, players think that it will become even worse after these changes.

LoL: The controversial change to a forgotten rune that could have the opposite intended effect

One of the big areas of reinforcement that Riot Games has promised to focus on heading into the next League of Legends season has been the runes.

These significant changes will have to wait until next year, but Riot wants to rush some more subtle modifications to try and balance them out for the final part of the current campaign.

The first steps taken will come in Patch 11.17, with adjustments to Fleet Footwork.

A controversial decision for a forgotten rune

The Fleet Foootwork rune has long been in the background. It's one which has been used only occasionally by certain ADCs, yet abused by melee champions who need the additional lifesteal.

In most cases, it lags far behind Conqueror, Lethal Tempo, and Press the Attack in the Precision category. 

Changes have hit regular users of Fleet Footwork hard, limiting their ability to get that life benefit. Here are the changes that are planned.

Fleet Footwork

Healing 3-60 + 30% Bonus AD + 20% AP >>> 10 -100 + 40% Bonus AD + 30% AP

Minion Mod 100% (melee)/ 20% (ranged) >>> 20% (melee)/ 10% (ranged)

Although Riot considers these changes to be a buff to Fleet Footwork, we don't think they'll be that strong.

The maximum power increases, but as does the difficulty in taking advantage of it. There seems to be a strong intention to modify its use so that the laning phase is harder for champions who don't have excessive capabilities to hit opponents directly with auto-attacks.

According to the community's calculations, the difference is more than remarkable.

This was the Patch 11.16 heal... - League of Legends
This was the Patch 11.16 heal...
...and this is what it will become in 11.17. - League of Legends
...and this is what it will become in 11.17.

The effect of the changes will cause champions to gain almost 50% less healing in the first few levels, creating a situation that is magnified as the game progresses. It will culminate in the figure being a ridiculous 35 health points at max level.

As such, the community has harshly criticized the developer's changes, which ensure it is actually a reduction in power for many champions -- especially those who appear not to be nerfs in the upcoming patch.


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