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New World: Amazon targets players exploiting AFK

New World: Amazon targets players exploiting AFK

With players seeing long queues to get into New World, some were exploiting the game's AFK detection system to remain 'active' enough to avoid being booted. Now, Amazon has announced they are working on a solution.

With queues in the thousands, some New World players have been taking advantage of AFK detection protocols for Amazon's new MMO to remain in the game even when idling, and therefore deny others the chance to play.

From autorunning against walls to the use of macros, remote access from other PCs to having something heavy press buttons on the keyboard, the issue of AFKers keeping the server load is something that has prompted Amazon to issue a statement on the matter.


We have seen a lot of frustration around individuals who may be artificially remaining active enough in servers to avoid the automatic AFK mitigation that is built into New World. We certainly agree that this is not acceptable behavior, especially when there are droves of individuals who are waiting patiently to get into a world. We have created a new solution to help us identify and action against bad faith AFK players.
Amazon Games (Source)

Increased detection will alloiw Amazon to kick these AFK players. First time offenders will simply see their character kicked to the Main Menu, but repeat offenders will receive tougher, if unspecified in the post, sanctions.

In the meantime, Amazon are rolling out the 1.01 update, the first since the game's release. They have also been working on improving the servers, adding more to the list to alleviate loads.

New World Server Queue Error: 'TooManyRequestsException' Fix

With queues for New World servers being so long, getting the 'TooManyRequestsException' error could cost players several hours of waiting. Amazon have communicated a temporary solution for the time being.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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