In League of Legends, almost all changes made to champions or items go through the PBE box. The perfect way for Riot Games to see if said changes are good or bad.
This time it's Olaf's turn, one of those champions who, although he seems like a good champion at first glance, has fallen way behind in the current meta . That's why Riot decided to almost completely change the Berzerker via a mid-range update — making it much more powerful and giving it a boost to increase its win rate and Competitive and SoloQ appearances. Additionally, he's been deeply impacted by system changes this season, even more so than other fighters, which puts him in particularly bad shape with the current item system.
As Riot himself wanted to explain on his Reddit , the objectives of this update are to provide a better playing experience with the champion (make it more fun) and to remove some pro-oriented power. This update should help him use his class items more efficiently, which should also make him more resilient to future system changes. As for his position, Riot Games wants him to stay in the jungle (making the pick more accessible) while significantly increasing his top lane viability .
Basic statistics
- Attack damage increased: 68 (+3.5 per level), 127.5 at level 18 → 68 (+4.7 per level), 148 at level 18
- HP increased: 575 (+100 per level), 2275 at level 18 → 575 (+105 per level), 2360 at level 18
- Mana increased: 316 (+42 per level), 1030 at level 18 → 316 (+60 per level), 1336 at level 18