The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
Steam Summary: Ever dreamed of being a superhero? Meet Chris, an imaginative 9-year-old boy who sets off on fantastical adventures as his alter-ego, the extraordinary Captain Spirit! Free demo set in the Life is Strange universe and tied to Life is Strange 2.
His qualities
A rich, interesting and touching story that should speak to the majority of players and that makes you want to see the sequel. What's more, it has an excellent quality realization for a truly free game.
Her downsides
Captain Spirit is short, very short, you will get through it in a few hours. We can also criticize him for resembling the first Life is Strange too much.
Economic model
As said above, it is completely free, it simply promotes Life is Strange 2, for which it offers a purchase link. Additionally, it looks like your choices in Captain Spirit will impact some elements of LiS2.