HERE THEY ARE! While we were all whining about the apparent inequality of item drops, Riot Devs have updated Teamfight Tactics with a lot of changes. As you might tell, the Patch is ALREADY live — which doesn't mean we can't detail it for you! Don't worry, you won't be lost during your next game: we got you covered!
Items Balance Changes
- Items no longer benefit from Ability Power
- Spatula now doubles the stat power of its sister component. For example, Youmuu's Ghostblade grants 40 Attack Damage
• Now deals true damage instead of magic damage
• Fixed a bug where Ionic Spark was applying 75 damage instead of 200
• Attack Speed per stack: 3% ⇒ 4%
• Can now reduce targets to 0 stars.
• Fixed a bug where Cursed Blade would reset an enemy champion's level if it triggered a second time.
• Regen: 3% max HP ⇒ 6% missing HP
• Attack Speed: 15% ⇒ 20%
• Revive delay: 4 sec ⇒ 2 sec
• Health restored: 500 ⇒ 1000
• Bugfix: Guardian Angel now properly clears Grievous Wounds
• Fixed a bug where targets weren't taking the correct amount of damage
• Fixed a bug where Luden's would proc on basic attack hits but not on ability hits
• Primary target damage: 100 ⇒ 200
• AoE Damage: 0 + 1.0 AP ⇒ 200
• Max HP damage per second: 2.5% ⇒ 3%
• Reflect damage: 35% of physical damage taken ⇒ 100% of physical damage mitigated
• Damage type: Magic damage ⇒ True damage
• Fixed a bug where spell vamp was sometimes not properly granted
• No longer benefits from item effects (looking at you Shyvana with Thornmail)
• Effect now applies more consistently to any unit near the wearer
• Now shields the wearer and the champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer at the start of the round
• Shield value: 200 ⇒ 300
• Now updates in response to range changes
• Now triggers at 25% health
• No longer damages enemies
• Fixed a bug where Seraph's effect wouldn't stack
• Now only grants attack speed to champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer
• Attack Speed Aura: 10% ⇒ 15%
• Bolts: 2 ⇒ 1
• Bolt Damage: 50% ⇒ 25%
• Now applies on-hit effects
• Now always hits 3 additional targets, rather than all champions in a frontal cone
• Now only activates a maximum of one time per launch attack
Hosted by Twitch Rivals and Riot Games, the first official Teamfight Tactics tournament is now over! JoshOG wins the final stage and pockets 8,375$.