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Items Balance Changes - LoL, TFT: 9.14 Patch Notes introduces Twisted Fate & Ranked Mode!

LoL, TFT: 9.14 Patch Notes introduces Twisted Fate & Ranked Mode!
Items Balance Changes
  • Table of Content
  • Traits Balance Changes
  • Champions Balance Changes

HERE THEY ARE! While we were all whining about the apparent inequality of item drops, Riot Devs have updated Teamfight Tactics with a lot of changes. As you might tell, the Patch is ALREADY live — which doesn't mean we can't detail it for you! Don't worry, you won't be lost during your next game: we got you covered!

Items Balance Changes

  • Items no longer benefit from Ability Power
  • Spatula now doubles the stat power of its sister component. For example, Youmuu's Ghostblade grants 40 Attack Damage
Ionic Spark

• Now deals true damage instead of magic damage
• Fixed a bug where Ionic Spark was applying 75 damage instead of 200

Guinsoo's Rageblade

Attack Speed per stack: 3%4%

Cursed Blade

• Can now reduce targets to 0 stars.
• Fixed a bug where Cursed Blade would reset an enemy champion's level if it triggered a second time.


• Regen: 3% max HP6% missing HP

Recurve Bow

Attack Speed: 15%20%

Guardian Angel

• Revive delay: 4 sec2 sec
Health restored: 5001000
• Bugfix: Guardian Angel now properly clears Grievous Wounds

Luden's Echo

• Fixed a bug where targets weren't taking the correct amount of damage
• Fixed a bug where Luden's would proc on basic attack hits but not on ability hits
• Primary target damage: 100200
• AoE Damage: 0 + 1.0 AP200


• Max HP damage per second: 2.5% 3%


• Reflect damage: 35% of physical damage taken100% of physical damage mitigated
• Damage type: Magic damageTrue damage

Hextech Gunblade

• Fixed a bug where spell vamp was sometimes not properly granted
• No longer benefits from item effects (looking at you Shyvana with Thornmail)

Frozen Heart

• Effect now applies more consistently to any unit near the wearer

Locket of the Iron Solari

• Now shields the wearer and the champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer at the start of the round
• Shield value: 200300

Rapidfire Cannon

• Now updates in response to range changes


• Now triggers at 25% health
• No longer damages enemies

Seraph's Embrace

• Fixed a bug where Seraph's effect wouldn't stack

Zeke's Herald

• Now only grants attack speed to champions two spaces to the left and right of the wearer
Attack Speed Aura: 10%15%

Runaan's Hurricane

• Bolts: 2 ⇒ 1
• Bolt Damage: 50% ⇒ 25%
• Now applies on-hit effects

Statikk Shiv

• Now always hits 3 additional targets, rather than all champions in a frontal cone
• Now only activates a maximum of one time per launch attack

Teamfight Tactics Showdown - JoshOG snatches the final victory!

Hosted by Twitch Rivals and Riot Games, the first official Teamfight Tactics tournament is now over! JoshOG wins the final stage and pockets 8,375$.

  • Table of Content
  • Traits Balance Changes
  • Champions Balance Changes
  • Items Balance Changes
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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