Doom in the Tomb has brought many of Hearthstone's past glories back into the standard. Ragnaros, the Fire Lord, Evolve, Mysterious Challenger, Astral Communion — all these cards have been played with varying degrees of success by players of all levels. If you have wondered which cards have had the most impact, we will talk about it in this article!
Honorable Mention
What would a top be without at least its honorable mention? Let's dive into this card first before we get to the real bottom of the subject! Straight from Blackrock Mountain: the Flamewaker! The Mage minion, whom many expected as THE card of this adventure, did not have the expected impact. Good decks still use it, but it can't aim for the top this time.
7 — Kun, the Forgotten King
Kun comes from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion. Within Quest Druid decks that now rely on Untapped Potential, he is formidable! Add Flobbidinous Floop to it and you're off for a "little" tour at about thirty mana! If you were able to put it down just before turn 10, with the many ways the Druid has to do it, you will have an extremely significant advantage over your opponent! Kun is honored with a good 53% of standard wins, and just under 7% of presence in the decks.
6 — Mysterious Challenger
The Challenger was introduced with the Grand Tournament expansion. What else can we say about the Secret Paladin? You can tell me 'Highlander', and you'd be right, but these two cards which work extremely well together allow the Paladin to get out of the famous Paladin Shirvallah that we're used to. Mysterious Challenger and Avenge both get away with an excellent 57% of victories in this standard with a presence in 6% of the decks.
5 — Ragnaros, the Firelord
As you might have guessed, coming straight from the Hall of Fame, here comes Ragnaros! He was part of the Classic, but his omnipresence had forced Blizzard to make him go in Wild. It is a neutral card, so it can be present in many decks, especially Highlander which appreciate it very much. It is thus in more than 24% of the standard decks, and this, with a good winrate of almost 54%!
4 — Sylvanas, Windrunner
For the Horde! On Hearthstone, she prides herself on being even more present than her friend in the Hall above. She too was part of the Classic, and was given another opportunity to shine in Standard! Present in almost 27% of decks with 52% winrate, it is a must-have that goes extremely well with one of the following cards in this top.
3 — Emperor Thaurissan
This is the second most popular card after the indestructible Zilliax. He comes straight from Blackrock Mountain to reduce the mana cost of cards in your hand! Present in almost 30% of the game's decks, he has a weaker winrate than his classmates arriving around 51%. It remains nevertheless an excellent card in the combos decks which greatly appreciate the mana reduction!
2 — N'Zoth the Corruptor
Whisper of the Old Gods saw him come out of their lair. Now he is everywhere, creating hordes of Sylvanas and other Khartut Defenders in his wake! On his own, he adapted the meta, bent it to his will and allowed decks centered on him to emerge. It is one of the most played cards and is present in nearly a quarter of the standard decks. With 51.5% of victories, he gets a good share of the cake in this ranking.
1 — Evolve
At first, I wanted to put N'Zoth on top. He modified the meta, is present in a lot of decks, but I did a little tour of the stats, and they whispered this word in my ear: EVOLVE! It's a class card, Shaman to be more precise, but it's still played in more than 18% of the decks! However, that's not what's impressive: his winrate is almost 57%! It is only surpassed in this ranking by Mysterious Challenger and Avenge, which are relatively infrequent in comparison. Evolve was very well included in a Shaman who was already powerful with thanks to Saviors of Uldum. Play it with a Mogu Fleshshaper, Desert Hare, and even with the Corrupt the Waters quest, and it will do wonders!