Team Solary
LRB is the current toplaner of Lunary, a team currently playing in division 2 of the French league. To compete in the Twitch Rivals, he drafted a team entirely composed of Academy players from all over Europe.
Team Thaldrinlol
Thaldrin was previously a coach for SuperMassive Esports, a team involved in the Turkish league. His team is almost entirely composed of players that are currently playing for several teams also involved in the Turkish league.
Team Overpow
Team Solaaaa
Sola is a German player who was previously a substitute for FC Schalke 04. His team is composed of four players coming from Spandauer Inferno, a team involved in the German league. Among these players, kev1n previously played for several LEC teams, including SK Gaming, Ninjas in Pyjamas, Elements, and FC Schalke 04.