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LoL Twitch Rivals Team Draft Standings

LoL Twitch Rivals Team Draft Standings

Twitch Rivals officially started Team Draft, their first League of Legends competition of 2020. Eight captains drafted their teams out of a pool composed of streamers and pro players to compete for $75000. Groups, standings, results — everything you need to follow the competition is in this article!

LoL Twitch Rivals Team Draft Standings

Twitch Rivals are back for another year, with their first League of Legends competition of 2020: the League of Legends Team Draft Showdown.

BoxBox, Shipthur, Trick2g, Yassuo, Voyboy, TFBlade, Nightblu3, Tyler1 — on January 6, these eight captains drafted their teams out of a pool composed of more than 100 players, in order to compete in a Double Round Robin tournament and try to win their share of the $75,000 prize pool.

No LCS or Academy players were allowed to play in the tournament, but a lot of former pro players that had the opportunity to step their feet on the LCS stage were actually drafted.

At the outcome of six Rounds, TFBlade's team emerged victorious, followed closely by Voyboy's Genius Gang.

Final Standings





Limit Test - TFBlade



Genius Gang - Voyboy



Ship Happens - Shiphtur

Ferrets - Nightblue3



Toast - boxbox

The Simpsons - Yassuo

MBL(os) - Tyler1

Dirt Dogs - Trick2g


You'll find the composition of the eight teams that will take part in the tournament in the following pages of this article.

  • Results & Standings → Page 2
  • Group A Teams → Page 3
  • Group B Teams → Page 4
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo