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LoL: When does season 13 start?

Some League of Legends players aren't fond of the preseason and are eagerly awaiting the return of the rankeds. If it is still possible to make some in this off-peak period, when will the opening of the ladder for season 13 take place?

LoL: The pentakill of the champion who is least likely to do so

Whether it's because of its low damage in long fights, or because there are so many champions that can kill an opponent, pentas are tricky to pull off. Today we see how a Yuumi achieves this and achieves a penta in the most hidden way possible.

LoL: The patch schedule for season 13

The year 2022 is coming to an end in League of Legends! Discover Riot Games' official schedule for Season 13 patches, but especially when the first big update of 2023 will be released.

Soon new profile banners... but paying

Riot Games probably has a whole bunch of new stuff in store for League of Legends Season 13, and one of them has already leaked. Players will soon be able to customize their profile with new banners, banners that should be paid.

LoL: The worst match-up in the game, Syndra vs Heimerdinger.

Here is a new series of articles, describing some of the worst match-ups you can come across in League of Legends. Some champions have a spell or spell kit, which allows them to totally counter certain characters without even breaking a sweat.

The bug present on Poppy for months and which annoys the community

Sometimes players are the best at spotting bugs in League of Legends. This is the case with Poppy, where a member of the community pointed out an issue with the champion, an issue that has been going on for months and that he has already reported many times.

The day a Reddit post got Graves his cigar

In 2014, Riot Games removed the cigar that could be seen on Graves' splashart, which caused a lot of criticism in the League of Legends community. But the players did not let it go and finally managed to turn the situation around.

LoL: Faker's message that made Deft laugh before the LCK resumed.

During an exhibition tournament organized by Riot Games where the teams of Faker and Deft faced off, Faker congratulated him on his title of world champion in a very funny way. Deft and the casters also laughed a lot when they saw the message from the midlaner.