Improvements to Zephrys the Great
- Zephrys the Great has been updated for the changes to the Basic/Classic sets in Year of the Phoenix:Removal of the 5 Neutral and 6 Priest cards sent to the Hall of Fame.
- Addition of Demon Hunter Basic cards (pending Ashes of Outland launch on April 7), and the 6 new Priest Basic/Classic cards.
- Improved ordering of simulated attacks to best make use of Rush minions to clear Taunts, in order to maximize potential face damage. This should solve many cases where Zephrys ‘missed lethal’ that involved trading a Rush minion into a Taunt before going face with other minions.
- Zephrys is now more likely to offer a Freeze card when the opponent has a full board, since it locks the opponent out of being able to play any minions.