The Radiant Dawn is back in Teamfight Tactics, and she's not alone! Alongside the returning champion Leona, Karma is making her big entrance into the Convergence. They are introduced on the board with a brand new origin: Lunar!
Currently tested on the PBE, patch 10.1 will be shipped to the live servers tomorrow, which means a lot more changes should arrive with it.
Riot Mort already teased a lot of the changes that are going to be implemented through a video published on his Youtube channel.
That being said, the complete patch notes will be released later on this day, and we will update the article accordingly.
Table of Contents
We're almost there! Complete patch notes will be released today, but some changes have already been teased by Riot Mort on Youtube.
- New Trait: Lunar
- New Champions: Leona and Karma
- New Little Legends: Flutterbug, Craggle, Tocker
- Item Changes:
Removed Items: Repeating Crossbow, Phantom Dancer, Thornmail
New Items: Last Whisper, Titan's Resolve, Bramble Vest
Balance Changes: Frozen Heart, Iceborn Gauntlet, Quicksilver, Ionic Spark, Hush, Morellonomicon, Red Buff
Now scaling with Stars Level: Locket of the Iron Solari, Luden's Echo, Statikk Shiv
- Trait Balance Changes: Druid, Light, Ocean, Shadow,
- Champion Balance Changes:
Tier 1: Vayne, Warwick
Tier 2: Jax, Malzahar, Neeko, Senna, Skarner, Syndra, Varus
Tier 3: Aatrox, Azir, Nocturne, Qiyana, Sivir
Tier 4: Annie, Twitch
Tier 5: Amumu, Master Yi, Nami