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Rush Wars

Team Domination mode and multiplayer in Rush Wars

Rush Wars — a brand new game released early last week — offers several modes such as Team Domination. This cooperative feature is a battle between two clans for victory (and glory)!

Tips to get you started in Rush Wars

Supercell has finally launched the beta of its new game, Rush Wars — a mix between Clash Royale and Clash of Clans. The editorial team offers some tips to get you started properly.

How to win your attacks in Rush Wars

Attacking is the most essential part in Rush Wars. A well conducted offensive can give you gold, stars, and even unlock chests. That's why we give you some tips to beat your opponents to the ground!

How to protect your Rush Wars base

How to protect your base from attacks in Rush Wars? Which units are the most effective? How to place them correctly? This guide will answer all these questions and much more!

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How to play Rush Wars, download APK today!

Rush Wars is the new game from mobile titan Supercell, and the beta is available now in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. However, we can also access the game on IOS or Android via APK.


How to play Rush Wars, download APK today!

More Stories

06:32 Team Domination mode and multiplayer in Rush Wars
07:35 How to protect your Rush Wars base
07:54 How to play Rush Wars, download APK today!
07:10 How to win your attacks in Rush Wars
07:21 Rush Wars — New Supercell mobile game incoming!
06:40 Tips to get you started in Rush Wars

Discover guides

Tips to get you started in Rush Wars
How to play Rush Wars, download APK today!
How to protect your Rush Wars base