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Borderlands 3 — All Legendary Hunt Locations on Pandora

All you need to know about Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 — All Legendary Hunt Locations on Pandora

Beginning of our solution of the Borderlands 3 Legendary Hunts. Find out where the monsters Hammerlock wants to see die on Pandora hide and bring their heads back to him for his collection.

Borderlands 3 — All Legendary Hunt Locations on Pandora

Let us get to the heart of the matter without waiting. This guide will allow you to know the locations of all the legendary hunts on the planet Pandora. Hammerlock wants to see all these monsters die in Borderlands 3, so we go with you and give you some Tips to kill them. May the strength be with you.

The Droughts - Lavender Crawly

First zone of the game and already you will be facing a mortal enemy. To face it, go to the place indicated on our map. Crawly is quite easy to beat. There are two things to know about the latter. First, the corrosive damage is significant at first, then you will need incendiary damage. Secondly, it is divided into sub-monsters once it is dead. Lavender Rampart is transformed into two Varkid, which in turn will be transformed into two other Varkid. That makes seven monsters to kill. You will have a relatively high chance of recovering a Bankrolled Predatory Lending.

Legendary Hunt Location - Borderlands 3
Legendary Hunt Location
Lavender Crawly - Borderlands 3
Lavender Crawly

Ascension Bluff - Skrakk

This legendary hunt will take you face to face with Skrakk, a Skag a little more angry than the others. There is not much to say about it. Try to avoid its charges and use incendiary damage, you will have no problem dealing with it. Look at our map, just below, to find out where it is.

Legendary Hunt Location - Borderlands 3
Legendary Hunt Location
Skrakk - Borderlands 3

Devil’s Razor - Antalope

Here, in this Pandora's area, you will meet Antalope. To do this, follow the map below. Once in front of him, take a deep breath and get ready for the biggest joke of the game. Go behind the boss and stuff his hindquarters (no hint please), he should melt like snow in the sun, because, like all hymenoptera, this is his weak point.

Legendary Hunt Location - Borderlands 3
Legendary Hunt Location
Antalope - Borderlands 3

The Splinterlands - Phoenix

Phoenix is a fire Skag completely immune to fire damage. You'll have to kill him three times because like a Phoenix, he's reborn from the ashes. Combat level is clear, you'll make it. You will find this boss at the place we indicate.

Legendary Hunt Location - Borderlands 3
Legendary Hunt Location
Phoenix - Borderlands 3

Konrad’s Hold - Gaussman

Last legendary hunt on Pandora. It is Gaussman, a Varkid who transforms himself into a Tink, then again into a Varkid. This boss is quite strange, he has something like 4 phases. For your part, just stuff it with incendiary damage, it will die quickly. It is more or less in the middle of the Konrad's Hold area, follow the map!

Legendary Hunt Location - Borderlands 3
Legendary Hunt Location
Gaussman - Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 — Find the Boss Vermivorous the Invicible

Borderlands 3 has not yet unveiled all these mysteries, as demonstrated by the discovery of Glitching Queen.

Written by Eliot "Pixxel-Mania" Denajar. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction