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DOOM Eternal: Soundtrack Behind the Scenes

DOOM Eternal: Soundtrack Behind the Scenes

Bethesda and Zenimax worked with composer Mick Gordon to prepare a "Heavy Metal choir" just for your ears.

The soundtrack for the upcoming DOOM Eternal has been revealed, in the vein of DOOM [2016].

For this new soundtrack, a heterogeneous group of heavy metal singers from different backgrounds participated in the recording. The list of artists includes Tony Campos (Ministry; Static X), Sven De Caluwe (Aborted), Linzey Rae (The Anchor), and more.

DOOM Eternal arrives March 20, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. It will also be available on Nintendo Switch at a later date.

DOOM Eternal: Slayer Gates & Slayer Keys

Any excuse is a good excuse to take down hordes of demons in DOOM Eternal. Complete challenges to get your hands on great rewards, including a special weapon, the Unmaker.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager