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Warcraft 3 Reforged: Cheat codes, PC Cheats

Warcraft 3 Reforged: Cheat codes, PC Cheats

Warcraft III Reforged has inherited almost all the features of Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne, including cheats that you can use solo in the campaign and more. Here's the list.

Warcraft 3 Reforged: Cheat codes, PC Cheats

Warcraft 3: Reforged arrived on January 29, 2020 on PC, with all the content of previous titles, including numerous campaigns, scenarios, and skirmishes. If you want to make things easier for some reason, here are the good old cheat codes, still relevant today.

To activate a code, press the "Enter" key in game which will open a window where you can type the text. All you have to do is press "Enter" again to validate it. You can deactivate some codes by typing them a second time.
Some codes allow you to enter a value or a free choice, the part you can freely modify is indicated between [ ], do not include them in the code.

Codes list

Instant Victory: allyourbasearebelongtous

Get 500 Wood and 500 Gold: greedisgood

Custom amount of Wood and Gold: greedisgood [amount]

Get 500 Gold: keysersoze

Custom amount of Gold: keysersoze [amount]

Get 500 Wood: leafittome

Custom amount of Wood: leafittome [amount]

Reveal the whole map: iseedeadpeople

Infinite mana: thereisnospoon

Unkillable and Overpowered unites: whosyourdaddy

Disable spell cooldowns: thedudeabides

Reach desired level: motherland [race] [level]

Exceeding the food limit: pointbreak

Quick Researchs: whoisjohngalt

Quick Building: warpten

All upgrades get one more level: sharpandshiny

Unlock all the research tree: synergy

Quick death: iocainepowder

Sun Rise: riseandshine

Sky Darken: lightsout

Stop clock to current time: daylightsavings

Change clock to desired time: daylightsavings [Time]

Disable victory conditions: itvexesme

Continue playing after defeat: strengthandhonor

Auto defeat: somebodysetusupthebomb

Kaeo Milker: With Reforged, we've enhanced the classic Warcraft III experience

For the official international release of Warcraft III: Reforged, we had the opportunity to speak with Kaeo Milker and Rob McNaughton from the game's development team. They talked about the launch, new features, and what's going to happen in the future.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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Warcraft 3 Reforged : Cheat codes