But what's the use of this famous floo powder in Harry Potter Wizards Unite?
Virodoran data miner found something very interesting in the game data, still in beta version.
If the choice between 3 different professions from level 6 reminds us of the Pokemon GO Blue, Red and Yellow teams, these three colors have not disappeared! It would seem that these colors, like the Floo Powder, are central game play elements and would allow you to participate in future events. Here are two examples:
"Soon - Join #TeamHarry, #TeamHermione or #TeamRon and complete world events! "
"Add Floo Powder to the Fortresses to increase its membership in your Team! The team with the most Fortresses wins the Region. Who are you going to help? "
It seems that this time, the Yellow Team will be most popular contrary the one in Pokemon GO since it corresponds to Harry Potter himself!
The floo powder is also used in some game error messages.
That's all we know at the moment about this iconic item in the Harry Potter universe.
And which team will you join?
Written by Camille "Milkameluna" Chabroud. Translated from French by Millenium.us.org.