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FUT 20: Solutions to Clément Lenglet Summer Heat SBC

FUT 20: Solutions to Clément Lenglet Summer Heat SBC

The latest Summer Heat SBC is now live. Here are the solutions to unlock Summer Heat Clément Lenglet, the French player from FC Barcelona.

FUT 20: Solutions to Clément Lenglet Summer Heat SBC

A new Summer Heat SBC is now live in Ultimate Team. Clément Lenglet is the latest player to receive a Summer Heat upgrade. Rated 93 overall, this card is untradable

Find solutions on how to unlock this new card below:

PS4 : 485,000 coins

Xbox : 480,000 coins

Origin : 530,000 coins



For this challenge, you must use at least 1 player from Barcelona and your team must reach a team chemistry of at least 80 and an overall rating of 82.



For this challenge, you must use at least 1 French player and your team must reach a team chemistry of at least 75 and an overall rating of 84.

La Liga


For this challenge, you must use at least 1 LaLiga player and your team must have a team chemistry of at least 70 and an overall rating of 86.

86-Rated Squad


For this challenge, your team must reach a team chemistry of at least 65 and an overall rating of 86.

Mixed Squad


For this challenge, your team must reach a team chemistry of at least 5.

Title Update #19 is LIVE!

The nineteenth title update for FIFA 20 has gone live across all platforms. Find out all the changes in this article.


Milanais depuis toujours, et toujours en cours de digestion des finales de 93' et de 05'