FIFA 20 Ultimate Team Guides and News
FUT 20: Season Objectives

The new features of FIFA 20 Ultimate Team mode have been unveiled, including the arrival of "Season Objectives" which will allow you to obtain rewards by completing objectives in a tiered progress system.

FUT 20: Season Objectives

For the upcoming FIFA 20 Ultimate Team, a new reward system will be introduced by developers EA in an attempt to add some variety and freshness for the entire duration of the game.

Season Objectives is a newly revamped objectives and rewards system that features groups of objectives to get specific rewards (such as packs, players or club items) and an overarching tiered system which you can progress through by earning XP from completing objectives.

Season objectives to earn a One To Watch Jovic. Image: EA Sports - FIFA 20
Season objectives to earn a One To Watch Jovic. Image: EA Sports
Milestone objectives that span the entirety of FUT 20. Image: EA Sportsire - FIFA 20
Milestone objectives that span the entirety of FUT 20. Image: EA Sportsire

There are a total of six types of objectives for you to complete in FUT 20.

  • Daily Objectives: Simple tasks which are released each day and contribute XP to your Season Rewards.
  • Weekly Objectives: Groups of objectives which have rewards and XP associated with the completion of the individual objectives released each week.
  • Season Objectives: Longer term challenges to finish and from the time they are put live they will remain live until the last day of each season.
  • Dynamic Objectives: Special time-limited release Objective Groups which will not have a regular release schedule and will end after a set period of time determined by the Dynamic Objective group. These could be tied to campaigns or real world events that are happening in the game during the course of the Season.
  • Foundation Objectives: the place for new players to learn the ropes of FIFA Ultimate Team, with organised learning objectives grouped together by subjects such as trading, team building and Chemistry.
  • Milestones Objectives: Long term objective groups which are not tied to any Season. Once a Milestone objective group is created in FUT 20 you’ll be able to continue making progress against these objectives, unlocking their rewards at your pace.
A peek at the tiered Season Objective Rewards system. GIF: EA Sports - FIFA 20
A peek at the tiered Season Objective Rewards system. GIF: EA Sports

The duration of each FUT "season" hasn't been totally confirmed by EA.

However, they have told us that the first season begins on September 19th (the first day that Early Access players will be able to play FIFA 20) and will run until the end of October, so we can speculate each season will last around six weeks.


Head of FIFA content at Millenium US. Devout gamer. Football lover. Penalty shanker.