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Resident Evil 3: Remake — Tools, Chains & Locks

Resident Evil 3: Guides & Walkthrough
Resident Evil 3: Remake — Tools, Chains & Locks

Need to cut a chain, open a lock, or put out a fire? Check out the position of the different RE3 tools such as the S.T.A.R.S. ID card.

Resident Evil 3: Remake — Tools, Chains & Locks

You start with almost nothing in Resident Evil 3 and you'll spend your time facing obstacles and closed doors. Here's a quick review of the tools you'll need to find at the beginning of the game, with their positions, as well as tips that will make your life a lot easier. For example, you might be happy to know that the rest of the game pauses when you use a tool, the zombies and the Nemesis will let you tinker in peace even if they're about to nibble your ear.

Another important point also stated in our Beginner's Guide is that all found objects and tools that open doors or unlock items eventually become useless. A trash can icon will appear on them. You can then throw them away without regret. We can guarantee that you will never have the use of this item again when this happens.

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3: Fire Hose

The first step is to extinguish the fire in the alley, for this you need the fire hose. It is located in a corner of the corridor of the "Kite Bros Railway" subway company, a little further down the street. It takes a slot in your inventory, but after combining it with the fire hydrant, you will get rid of it.

Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3: Bolt Cutters

Right after you turn off the alley, you'll enter a building with the bolt cutter exposed. You should immediately use it when you return to the subway company to cut the chain that holds your future weapon of choice, the shotgun.

Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3

You should walk around the streets of Racoon to cut all the chains you come across, especially the doors of the shops. The good news is that this is the only chapter in history where the bolt cutter is useful. You will certainly be instructed to throw it away sooner or later.

Resident Evil 3

Resident Eveil 3: Lock Pick

The tool that will follow you the longest and prove the most useful is the lock pick. After retrieving the bolt cutter and opening the garage door, you will continue your progress to the electrical transformer to restore power. In a corner, you will come across a suspicious corpse with a box in your hands. Don't be afraid, unburden him of his property. Inside is the famous lock pick. It will allow you to open the many yellow padlocks crossed throughout the adventure.

Resident Evil 3

You won't be able to part with it until very late in history, so it is recommended that you keep it in your inventory at all times. Moreover, as you will meet Carlos later in his 2nd phase of gameplay, he doesn't have access to the lock pick, so you will have to re-visit the place with Jill.

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3: S.T.A.R.S. ID Card

The only "tool" you can miss is poor Brad's ID card. On the first gameplay run at Carlos' checkpoint, you'll pass Brad's zombie in front of the police station. Rather than flee inside, put a lead in his brain, then search his corpse. The ID card he had will allow you to open several special crates full of interesting objects and accessories in the police station.

Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager