Just like Resident Evil 2 Remake, RE3 offers to find very interesting items in the different safes. Here is a guide on how to open them with their secret combo.

Just like Resident Evil 2 Remake, RE3 offers to find very interesting items in the different safes. Here is a guide on how to open them with their secret combo.
Resident Evil 3 contains 20 Mr Charlie dolls. Here's a little guide to help you find them all.
Like Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 has it share of lockers and safes with useful items. Here's a guide to open them with the right codes and combinations.
Need to cut a chain, open a lock, or put out a fire? Check out the position of the different RE3 tools such as the S.T.A.R.S. ID card.
At the beginning of Carlos' adventure in RE3, his inventory is quite small. In order to avoid making too many trips back and forth, we give you the exact locations of Carlos' extra hip pouches.
At the start of the adventure in Resident Evil 3, your inventory is very small, especially for Jill. To avoid making too many round trips, here is a small guide to find all the hip pouches.
Carlos has a little less weapons and upgrades available than Jill, but he needs them nonetheless. Check out our guide in order to find all upgrades throughout Resident Evil 3 Remake.
Guns will obviously be your essential allies in fighting your way through the hell that is Raccoon City. To make your task even easier, you'll be able to find weapon upgrades.
For the completionists among you, here's our guide to all the trophies and achievements in Resident Evil 3 — including the elusive platinum ones — with tips and explanations on how to earn them.
As tradition dictates, Resident Evil 3 offers a rather complete range of weapons, and with what the Nemesis has in store for you, you can never have too many. Here's a guide on how and where to get Jill and Carlos' weapons.
Here's a list of tips and other things to know before you get going in Resident Evil 3, whether playing as Jill or Carlos.
The RE3 Remake demo only takes around 20 to 25 minutes to complete, but still has lots of bonuses and secrets. Here are some tips and tricks to help you on the Raccoon City.
Capcom have been announcing it for several months now, the new Nemesis is a 2.0 version. Smarter and more agile, it will give you much more trouble than the Tyrant of Resident Evil 2: Remake.
RE3 makes some major gameplay changes compared to its predecessor. Dodge and perfect dodge are among the big news in this third episode to get rid of both zombies and the Nemesis.
In this guide you'll find out all about the main characters in the Resident Evil 3 remake, along with their updated character designs.
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