All about Behemoths
How to choose your weapon on Dauntless

For a new Slayer, it's difficult to find your way around with 6 different types of weapons on Dauntless (sword, axe, hammer, blades, lance and repeaters). Here is a guide to help you know which weapon best suits your style, and in which situations they are most effective.

How to choose your weapon on Dauntless

Dauntless currently offers 6 different types of weapons, some of which are easier to handle than others: the sword (that we take in hand from the tutorial), the axe, the hammer, the chain blades, the war pike and finally, the ostian repeaters. Like armor, they can do neutral or elementary damage and have unique effects.

Before making a detailed description of each weapon, we can separate them into two categories: heavy and light. A heavy weapon does more damage, but is more difficult to control because combos are not easy to make in hunting, especially against mobile Behemoths. Small arms make evasion easier, but they do less raw damage and you need to know your range.

The Sword: versatility

The sword is the first weapon you will learn to master. Versatile and easy to handle, it can be used in any situation. It has a typing speed and an intermediate range, as well as a plethora of combos, more or less fast to execute: it is the ideal choice against monsters that you have not yet faced, for example.

  • The weapon has a good synergy with the lance, as it does more damage to the injured parts (which is the main advantage of the lance).
  • The sword causes +50% damage to Behemoth tails.

The Axe: playing boomerang

The axe is the heaviest weapon in the game, along with the hammer. Attacks are slow, and combos are difficult to execute. Attacks can be loaded by holding down the button.

On the other hand, the A remediates the weapon's short range by allowing the opponent to be approached while dealing damage: you throw the axe a long distance and if you rebuke A before recovering it, it allows you to strike a devastating vertical blow that is unlikely to be interrupted by an enemy blow. This skill comes back every 16 seconds!

  • The weapon has a good synergy with the lance, as it does more damage to the injured parts (which is the main advantage of the lance).
  • The axe causes +50% damage to Behemoth tails.

The Hammer: stuffing without counting

The Hammer is the ultimate brutish's weapon. It is slow, but does a lot of damage. Many combos allow you to make attacks more or less fast, but you need to have perfect timing: it is therefore effective, but difficult to control.

In addition, it takes getting used to the ammunition system: right-click attacks are faster, but each cost one ammunition (with a total reserve of 4, which must be reloaded by pressing A). Make sure you don't get hit when recharging....

The perfect combo is: 3 simple attacks then 1 right-click attack. The latter will cause 1 explosion per remaining ammunition (therefore 4 at best), and if Behemoth is hit, will reload all your ammunition at the same time! It's difficult to do, but it's worth it when it's successful.

  • The Hammer is more likely to stun the opponent (with the help of a tonic or very heavy damage).
  • The weapon can break its limbs (except tails or fenders - so it is the legs or wings that should be targeted).

Chain Blades: Stealth

It is a light weapon that inflicts quick blows, short (left click) or medium distance (right click). Its A offers great mobility, which can be further improved with movement items: the skill brings you back to the opponent when you are away from him, and makes you jump away from him in the opposite case.

With 4 loads, you can chain quick combos based on A (to get closer) - 3 right clicks - A (to be out of reach), for example. If the weapon may seem complicated to control at first sight, you will quickly develop the reflex of using your A as often as possible.

  • The weapon has a good synergy with the war pike, as it does more damage to the injured parts (which is the main advantage of the lance).
  • Blade chains cause +50% damage to Behemoth tails.

The War Pike: cutting deep

The spear is a formidable weapon, once mastered: it has many strengths, if it is in the hands of a good player. It is fast, but at a short distance. Nevertheless, several mechanics allow more versatility: a combo allows to melt on the opponent very quickly (sprint with the left click pressed down), and the A is a distance shot (see the image below).

For slow Behemoths like the Skarn, a combo is particularly formidable: the piercing burst (4 left clicks, and the last one pushed in), which inflicts a burst of very fast shots. Feel free to arm yourself with many protections (cells and lantern) to take the hit after a rush!

  • Inflicts mutilating damage that injures the opponent, which gives a boost of damage to other players depending on their equipped weapon
  • The spear causes +50% damage to Behemoth tails.

Ostian Repeaters: brave, but not reckless

The repeaters are a little special. This is Dauntless's (fantasy version) firearm. It is currently the only remote weapon in the game; the gameplay is easy to grasp, although a little boring to abuse too much.

The mechanism to remember is empowered reload: by recharging your weapon close to the opponent, the bullets of the magazine will do more damage. Without this and the ammunition of the element effective against Behemoth, the damage will be rather small, so you have to think about it as much as possible. Also remember to activate your A when it is available: its effect changes depending on the gun equipped.

Anyway, it's an advantage to have a repeater player in a hunting squad: you'll be the perfect candidate to revive your allies in evil and be the last survivor in the game.

  • The weapon has a good synergy with the lance, as it does more damage to the injured parts (which is the main advantage of the lance).
  • It can be highly customized with 4 interchangeable parts.

Each weapon, depending on the other players and the Behemoth faced, has its advantages and disadvantages. To determine what your favorite weapons are, it is best to test them all. In addition, the game rewards versatility: no need to specialize too early in a single weapon!

Eva Martinello

US/FR Writer