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Dauntless: best weapons, tier list

Dauntless: best weapons, tier list

6 kinds of weapons are available in Dauntless. Which ones are the most powerful and that you must craft first? We break everything down here.

Dauntless: best weapons, tier list

Hunting monsters between two journeys in Ramsgate will force you to get useful equipment and weapons. The latter are 6 in Dauntless, with one per element and neutral. You can use a sword, axe, spear, hammers, pistols and chain blades.

How weapons work

  • Sword: Severs and breaks Behemoth parts, and deals bonus damage to Wounded parts.
  • Axe: Severs and breaks Behemoth parts, and deals bonus damage to Wounded parts.
  • Hammer: Deals very high stagger damage, and can break Behemoth parts.
  • Chain Blades: Severs and breaks Behemoth parts, and deals bonus damage to Wounded parts.
  • War Pike: Wounds Behemoth parts, enabling damage bonuses for cutting weapons.
  • Ostian Repeaters: Severs and breaks Behemoth parts, and deals bonus damage to Wounded parts.

Their differences of gameplay allow them to differ from each other and to vary game experiences or to adapt the element and kind of weapon to the Behemoth that you will face off against.

Which weapon to choose on Dauntless? The complete guide

For a new Slayer, it's difficult to find your way around with 6 different types of weapons on Dauntless (sword, axe, hammer, blades, lance and repeaters). Here is a guide to help you know which weapon best suits your style, and in which situations they are most effective.

The art of hunting Behemoths

Find all our tips and tricks to get started for a Behemoth hunt on Dauntless, the latest game recently released on the Epic Game store. The use of weapons, consumables, parts to be targeted primarily on a monster will no longer have any secrets for you!

Weapons Tier List

The choice of your weapon will depend on several elements: your style, the Behemoth and the composition of your group. The idea is not to show you what is THE best weapon in all situations but to show you the ones who are popular among the players to make the most damage.

Be aware that all of the weapons down below are not universal choices, some are stronger against some elements and some others will be less against others. Don't forget that the level/upgrades of your weapon and cells that you choose will be significant. Here are the 7 weapons we can put at the top of the list.

Inferno's Razor

Kind: Sword
Behemoth: Hellion
Element: Blaze
Cells: Power x2

At the very top of this list, we find the Inferno's Razor which allows you to make the most damage with its spell which grants you 550 power. For 250 more damage and a strike of 8 hits, that, with blaze damage, increases it up to 880 total! And to finish, by equipping the Reactive Hilt mod, you will be able to increase critical chances by dodging hits and optimize your build to inflict heavy damage on Behemoths.


Call of Dawn

Kind: Sword
Behemoth: Rezakiri
Element: Radiant
Cells: Utility x1, Tech x1

In the second place, we find Call of Dawn, which will be extremely efficient to beat Umbral Behemoths. Its power level is equal to Inferno's Razer, but its skill grants you 10% chances of hitting the opponent double (it can go up to 1,100 damage).


Inferno's Burden

Kind: Hammer
Behemoth: Hellion
Element: Blaze
Cells: Power x2

Contrary to Inferno's Razor, the hammer version allows you to get more damage, faster. Your 250 bonus damage will come with the 6th hit. A good counterpart to the slowness of the weapon. By using the Extended Mag mod, you will be able to give 6 more ammo to your hammer which will grant more speed to your weapon when the mag is empty.


Raging Crash

Kind: Hammer
Behemoth: Gnasher
Element: Neutral
Cells: Power x1, Utility x1

The advantage of this weapons is that it's linked to no element and will allow you to be polyvalent against all kind of resistance, since you will be able to take advantage of its significant damage against all elements.


Inferno's Decree

Kind: Axe
Behemoth: Hellion
Element: Blaze
Cells: Power x2

Third Hellion weapon of this tier list, it's the most powerful in the game and grants 250 bonus damage at the 6th hit. You will even be able to make it more efficient in some circumstances with cells like Predator of Pacificator.


Stalker's Mercy

Kind: Axe
Behemoth: Riftstalker
Element: Umbral
Cells: Tech x1, Utility x1

The Stalker's Mercy is undoubtedly one of the best axes of the game with its passive that allows players to get 8% more attack speed when the latter will have less than 30% HP. This passive may seem suicidal to use, the opportunities will be numerous, even more using the Skarn lantern (grants shield).

Moreover, this axe is Umbral, very useful against most of Behemoths in the game (except Riftstalker and Shrowd), which makes it a weapon easy to upgrade. And to finish, axes are popular among the players thanks to its stun and breaking parts properties. 8% attack speed is significant to make more damage.



To finish, Repeaters have their place in the tier list. It will heavily depend on the bonuses you will apply, but among them, if you want the most damage possible, here are what you have to prioritise:

  • Inferno Barrel
  • Captain's Grip
  • Briliant Prism
  • Marksman Chamber

Written by Asheryth. Translated from French by

Everything to know about the Patrol system

In Dauntless, there are some atypical quests called Patrols, which will allow you to loot a lot of rewards (orbs, rams, Dull Arcstone, Shining Arcstone, etc.) weekly or monthly.

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