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Dauntless: All about the Embermane behemoth

Dauntless: All about the Embermane behemoth

Discover Dauntless's Embermane Behemoth: how to defeat him, his loot table and all the mastery challenges available to this monster.

Dauntless: All about the Embermane behemoth

Discover Embermane, one of your first victims of Dauntless. This small behemoth should not cause you too much trouble, however, we will see that there are still one or two attacks to be aware of.


Small and very lively, this behemoth of fire is also one of the first you will encounter when you enter the world of Slayer. However, you should not underestimate him, as some of his attacks may surprise you.

The Embermane does not use many chains, but rather will try to have you over the long term by multiplying lightning attacks. Your job will therefore consist, in the first instance, in getting used to the rather particular rhythm that the monster is trying to impose on you, before taking over and taking advantage of the many openings it leaves during the fight.

To cause him maximum damage, the ideal is to equip himself with a weapon of his opposite element, the ice. Note that when it arrives, the Ember tends to ignite its body: beware of this state, the monster will then attack you from a distance by throwing fireballs capable of inflicting the malus burn.

How can I interrupt it?

It is possible to stop the Embermane's most powerful attack with a loaded attack. Try to find the moment when the boss gets on his hind legs slowly enough: it is at that moment that you will have to hit hard to cancel his attack. The timing is pretty tight, but once you get it, you'll drive over that poor Embermane.

Loot table

The Embermane has 6 destructible parts giving you a chance to drop its components:

  • All parts: Embermane Hide
  • Head: Emberhorn, Savage Hooktooth
  • Legs (X4): Smoked Dewclaw
  • Tail: Burning Tailspike

Master's card

Here are all the challenges of mastery that you can meet by attacking yourself with a small Embermane.


  • Hunt Embermane
  • Hunt the Embermane 10 times while wearing his armor
  • Make the whole Embermane set
  • Increase the entire set to +6, then +10.
  • Cause 50,000,000 of damage to the monster
  • Kill an Embermane alone by taking less than 100 damages
  • Kill an Embermane in less than 3 minutes
  • Interrupt the Embermane 10, 50 and then 150 times
  • Hurt the Embermane 10, 50 and 150 times
  • Break 25 then 100 parts of the Embermane
  • Collect 300, 900, 3240, 8100 and then 14460 total experience points against the monster.


Standard version - Dauntless
Standard version
Fierce/Heroic version - Dauntless
Fierce/Heroic version

Written by Bastien "Lloyd" Dubosq-Luyer. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction