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Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Romance Guide

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Romance Guide

Commander Shepard's crew aboard the Normandy awaits your advances in Mass Effect. However, you will have to choose your lines carefully, as well as the gender of your character. Here is a guide to all the relationships available, as well as their conditions and the choices to be made.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Romance Guide

The many possible romances in Mass Effect, and the more-or-less torrid scenes that follow, are of note in the series. 

This guide shows you what options are available to you.

It is very easy to seduce the different eligible characters -- you just have to be friendly with them, and choose the dialogue options that show your attraction to them. Most are common sense, so we're not going to go into the dialogues in detail.

There are, however, a few things to consider:

  • As mentioned above, Commander Shepard's gender will be decisive. Some characters can only be seduced by a male Shepard, others by the female version. There are also some open to a relationship with both sexes.
  • The realization of a romance is always tied to progressing through the main story. For crew members, you will not be entitled to the "reward" of having sex until you approach the point of no return in each game.
  • You can only have one "real" romance per game, as seducing multiple characters in parallel will sometimes result in a conflict scene that will force you to choose. You can still have adventures with other characters in some cases.
  • On the other hand, you are totally free to have a different romance in each game. It's up to you to see if you prefer to rekindle the flame with the same character from one game to another when possible, or whether you want to change.
  • Some characters may (or will) die, which may block opportunities for romance later depending on your choices.

Mass Effect 1

The first title has relatively few romances available. There are just three of them -- Kaidan for female Shepard, Ashley for male Shepard. Liara is a possibility for both sexes.

These romances have the particularity of being able to be maintained throughout the series, but be careful, if you change partners in the games that follow, it can have consequences.

Note in passing that a simple sexual relationship can be started with Sha'ira the Consort, an Asari in the Citadel. During your investigation, you must stop Septimus and then prove his innocence to Xeltan. She will then offer to predict your future, which will open the option of asking her for more favors by saying "Is that all?"

This has no impact on other romances.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Ashley Williams - male Shepard

After completing one of the main missions of your choice, you can start courting Ashley. Be careful though, you will have to choose to save her on Vimire when the bomb explodes, which involves sacrificing Kaidan. The sacrificed character is obviously absent for the rest of the trilogy.

If you've wooed Liara as well in parallel, a showdown will eventually take place on board, and you will have to choose which direction your heart swings. As Ashley particularly hates aliens at the base, as much to say that the situation is tense and it is impossible to save the two relations.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Kaidan Alenko - female Shepard

The process is exactly the same as for Ashley, except that Kaidan spares us the anti-alien racism. After completing one of the main missions of your choice, you can start courting Kaiden. You will have to choose to save him on Vimire when the bomb explodes, which involves sacrificing Ashley.

The same process applies if you've wooed Liara in parallel -- the showdown will take place, and you'll have to make your choice. 

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Liara T'Soni - both sexes

You can start charming Liara immediately after her rescue. We therefore advise you to choose the main mission which consists of finding her on Therium, in the constellation Artemis Tau, as a priority in order to unlock the romance as soon as possible.

This will save you time, and it would be a shame to deprive yourself of Liara's presence during the majority of the adventure if she really interests you.

If you've wooed Ashley or Kaiden in addition to Liara, you'll have to choose who you prefer in an onboard showdown near the end of the story. If you do not choose Liara, your relationship will remain purely professional.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager