Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Walkthrough & Guides
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: How to capture Spiritomb

A tricky Pokémon to catch, this Ghost-type critter is nonetheless worth the effort. Here's how to catch Spiritomb in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

To find Spiritomb in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you'll need to go through a several-step process.

Step One - Obtain the Odd Keystone

The easiest way to get an Odd Keystone is to talk to the Black Belt NPC on Route 208. You'll find him hidden in a corner just before Hearthome City, near the trees.

The second method is to go head to Twinleaf Town, and use Surf on the pond in the south. There's a small space in the bottom left where you'll find it.

The third source is available at any time, but you must have unlocked the Grand Underground. Mining in this area has a chance to unearth an Odd Keystone, but this method depends on luck. If time is no object, then you'll be fine.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Step Two - Head to the Hallowed Tower

Once you have an Odd Keystone, head to Route 209 and find the Hallowed Tower, a copper and silver-colored structure next to a river.

Interact with the Tower and use the Keystone when prompted. Now comes the hard part.

Step Three - Speak to NPCs or Players in the Grand Underground

Head to the Grand Underground. This part requires that you have obtained the Explorer Kit in Eterna City, and claimed your second Gym Badge.

There are two ways you can go about this next step - either talking to 32 other players via the online function, or 32 unique NPCs.

Bear in mind that Hikers don't count. You may want to make notes of the names of NPCs you speak to, as while leaving and entering an area shuffles NPC locations, it doesn't necessarily change which ones you'll find there.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Should you lose count of how many players or NPCs you've spoken to, you can return to the Hallowed Tower for a clue:

  • 0-7: It appears to have been built many years ago.
  • 8-14: Its stones appear to have shifted...
  • 15-21: ...Is that crying coming from inside the towers?
  • 22-28: Is the tower shaking ever so slightly?
  • 29-31: There is some sort of presence... It appears ready to emerge!

Once you've spoken to all 32 necessary, Spiritomb will appear.

Make sure to save your game beforehand, because if you accidentally knock it out you'll have to go through the process all over again!

Step Four - Battle Spiritomb

Naturally, having better quality Poké Balls will aid you in this fight:

  • Quick Ball: Use this at the start of the battle; you may get lucky!
  • Timer Ball: If you find the battle is going on too long, this may increase youor chances of capture.
  • Dusk Ball: If you're facing Spiritomb at night this could work better.
  • Master Ball: For those who just cannot be bothered and want an easy catch.

Spiritomb can prove to be a tough opponent, with its dual Ghost and Dark types having very few weaknesses. A Fairy Pokémon will be very useful here, but as mentioned previously, the aim is not to defeat Spiritomb.

As always, any Pokémon with False Swipe will be ideal.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Congrats on your capture!

Given its strengths, Spiritomb will be a very useful addition to your team, and a great counter to some of those used in the Elite Four.


Types: Ghost / Dark

Ability: Pressure

Level: 25


- Spite

- Nasty Plot

- Hex

- Payback

Sprite: Poképedia

How to get Jirachi and Mew in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Continuing with the theme of recognising save data, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl players will be able to pick up the Mythical Pokémon Jirachi and Mew if they have played previous Switch releases.


People are able to hold onto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen.