09 dec 2021
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Walkthrough & Guides
Here you'll find all our guides for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Generation IV remakes for Nintendo Switch. You can take advantage of our complete walkthrough and guides to all Gym Leader battles, and we'll also help you conquer the Pokémon League. Discover the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia, as well as features such as The Great Underground, Super Contest Shows, Amity Square, and the Poffin House.
News & Hot Features

Shiny Statues
Mystery Gift

TM54 False Swipe
Where to Get
Patches & Updates
Complete Walkthrough

1: Twinleaf Town to Oreburgh City
Mission: Coal Badge

Roark and the Coal Badge
Oreburgh City Gym Guide

2. Oreburgh City to Eterna City
Mission: Forest Badge

Gardenia and the Forest Badge
Eterna City Gym Guide

3: Eterna City to Pastoria City
Mission: Cobble Badge

Maylene and the Cobble Badge
Veilstone City Gym Badge

The Grand Underground
Underground Man Missions

Trophy Garden
Daily Pokémon

Amity Square
Walking Pokémon

The Great Marsh
Catch Wild Pokémon
Obtaining Pokémon

Shiny Pokémon
How to Catch

Poké Radar
List of Pokémon

All Starters
Gen I-IV

Swarm Locations
Where to Find

Fossil Pokémon
Where to Find

All Forms

All Forms
Breeding Pokémon
General Guides & Articles

Where to get the Pokétch
Pokémon Watch

Where to get Fishing Rods
Old, Good, Super

What do Diglett and Dugtrio do?
Grand Underground