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How to access the Grand Underground in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Walkthrough & Guides
How to access the Grand Underground in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

Here's what you'll need to do to complete the Underground Man's tutorial of the Grand Underground in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, from getting the Explorer Kit to discovering Pokémon hideaways.

The Underground of the original Diamond and Pearl has been completely reworked for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, allowing trainers to dig for treasures, explore Pokémon Hideaways, and even build their own Secret Base.

Here's all you need to know about accessing the Grand Underground, completing the tutorial missions given by the Underground Man, and enjoying all the content.

The Grand Underground can be played solo, or online. - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Grand Underground can be played solo, or online.

How to unlock the Grand Underground in Pokémon BDSP

You can unlock the Grand Underground as soon as you reach Eterna City. The Underground Man is found in the house next to the Pokémon Center.

On first meeting, he'll give you an item called the Explorer Kit, and take you outside to show you how to use it.

We recommend binding the Explorer Kit to the + Button for ease of access. If you're like us, you'll visit the Grand Underground often!

This is the first tutorial mission. Use the Explorer Kit to head underground, then press the Y Button to bring up a menu. Select Go up to return to the surface.

Speak to the Underground Man again to complete the mission. You'll receive a Red Sphere S, a Blue Sphere S, and a Green Sphere S for your efforts.

When you select 'Go up' from the Y Button menu, you'll always return to the spot you entered - no matter where you are in the Grand Underground at the time.
The Underground Man's House - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Underground Man's House
The Underground Man - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Underground Man

How to dig for treasure in the Grand Underground in Pokémon BDSP

For the second tutorial mission, he asks you to dig up treasures or spheres.

Head underground and look at the minimap in the top left. You can press the Right Stick to change the zoom, and if you do you'll see yellow dots along the pathways.

These are areas where you can dig for treasure. When you get close, you can press the R Button to send out a Radar pulse, which will reveal a yellow spot on the wall where you can dig.

Interact with it, select Yes, and enter the dig screen. You'll get a message telling you how many items have been detected in the grid.

The crack that starts on the top right of the screen represents how stable the wall is. Once it reaches the top left, the wall will collapse and the dig will be over.

You have two tools at your disposal. Press the R Button to switch between the two.

  • The Sledgehammer removes more rock (a 3x3 square), but advances the collapse of the wall quicker.
  • The Pickax removes one tile at a time, but advances the collapse of the wall more slowly.

To claim an item at the end of the dig, it must be fully uncovered.

A good tactic is to use the Sledgehammer at the start to find an item, then the pickax to remove it.

Once you've successfully claimed an item, return to the surface and speak to the Underground Man. He'll give you the Digger Drill as a reward.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

How to create a Secret Base in the Grand Underground in Pokémon BDSP

Speak to the Underground Man again for the third tutorial mission. He asks you to create a Secret Base.

Head underground. When you have a Digger Drill in your inventory, just interact with a wall of your choosing and select Yes.

This will create an entrance, which you can enter by interacting with it.

This is your Secret Base. For now, it's just an empty room with a crystal ball-looking thing on a pedestal.

Secret Base Entrance - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Secret Base Entrance
Empty Secret Base - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Empty Secret Base

Return to the Underground Man to complete the mission.

He'll give you five Quick Balls, five Dusk Balls, and five Dive Balls.

Speak to him again and you'll pick up the next tutorial mission.

Digger Drills are single-use items, so you'll need to acquire more. As you explore the Grand Underground, you'll run into Merchant NPCs who look like Hikers. Find the Small Sphere Merchant, who will exchange Small Spheres for more Digger Drills.
A Sphere Trader in the Grand Underground - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A Sphere Trader in the Grand Underground
Exchange Spheres for Digger Drills - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Exchange Spheres for Digger Drills

How to place a Statue in your Grand Underground Secret Base in Pokémon BDSP

The Underground Man then asks you to place a statue in your Secret Base for the fourth tutorial mission.

In order to complete it, you'll need to dig for treasure. When doing so, you'll come across something called a Pretty Stone Box.

Fully excavate it, and inside you'll find a Statue of a Pokémon corresponding to the type of the box.

A Pretty Stone Box - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A Pretty Stone Box
A Salamence Statue - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A Salamence Statue
Sometimes, when digging, you'll come across a Gorgeous Stone Box instead. These contain rare 'shiny' Statues, and have the appearance of being made of jade.
A Dragon-type Gorgeous Stone Box - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A Dragon-type Gorgeous Stone Box
A shiny Salamence Statue - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
A shiny Salamence Statue
Claim statues through Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Mystery Gift!

Players can now enter a new code using the Mystery Gift feature in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to get some cool Shiny statues for their Secret Base!

To place the Statue in your Secret Base, interact with the crystal ball near the entrance.

You can have up to 18 Statues, but some are larger than others. For example, a Salamence Statue occupies a 4x4 space, while a Piplup Statue only takes up one tile.

You ultimately have 100 tiles that can be used.

The Secret Base edit mode - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Secret Base edit mode
To add a Pedestal, interact with a statue that has already been placed in the edit mode. Remember, different size Statues require different size Pedestals.
The Pedestal menu - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
The Pedestal menu

When placed, return to the surface and speak to the Underground Man. Your reward will be a Square Pedestal XS and a Sturdy Pedestal S.

How to visit another player's Secret Base in the Grand Underground in Pokémon BDSP

For the fifth tutorial mission the Underground Man asks you to visit another player's Secret Base.

When you use the Explorer Kit, you have a choice of mode for accessing the Grand Underground:

  • Local Communication
  • via the Internet
  • Play alone

Head into the Grand Underground using either of the first two options. All you have to do now is explore, until you come across another Secret Base entrance.

Interact with it to enter it, which is enough for the mission.

Return to the surface and claim your Round Pedestal M from the Underground Man.

Choose your mode for entering the Grand Underground - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Choose your mode for entering the Grand Underground
You can choose Local or Online multiplayer options - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
You can choose Local or Online multiplayer options

How to find a light of a different color in the Grand Underground in Pokémon BDSP

When you head into the Grand Underground in a multiplayer mode, you can find and help other players dig for treasure.

When using the Radar to identify treasure locations, multiplayer locations will show up in blue instead of yellow.

Make sure you get there quickly, as there's a time limit to being able to help! Simply interact with the blue light to dig with the other player.

Return to the Underground Man to claim your final reward, a Clear Pedestal L.

You're now fully clued up on the Grand Underground, congratulations!

Find another player digging for treasure - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Find another player digging for treasure
Use the Radar to spot the light - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Use the Radar to spot the light

Why do I keep seeing Digletts in the Grand Underground in BDSP?

You now have the freedom of the Grand Underground and can explore at will.

While running about, you'll see Digletts and Dugtrios, which disappear when you get close.

Here's what they're all about.

Pokémon BDSP: What do the Digletts do in the Grand Underground?

Are you wondering why you keep seeing Diglett and Dugtrio in the Grand Underground? Here's what they do in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

What Pokémon can I catch in the Grand Underground in BDSP?

There are plenty of Pokémon you can catch in the Grand Underground, some of which can only be found here.

Our guide helps you hunt for those you need more efficiently.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.