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Blue proto-drake WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

Blue proto-drake WoW WotLK: How to get this mount?

The Blue Proto-Drake is one of the rarest mounts introduced in Phase 1 of World of Warcraft's Wrath of the LIch King Classic expansion. Discover it in detail in this dedicated article, including its detailed method of obtaining.

Introduced in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion for World of Warcraft during Phase 1 , the Blue Proto-Drake is a mount that rewards players who have had a significant chance rate by defeating one of the Boss of Utgarde Rise. This is a flying mount available to both Horde and Alliance players.

How to get blue Proto-drake in WotLK Classic?

The Blue Proto-Drake is one of the 6 Proto-Drakes available in Wrath of the Lich King as mounts. It is also the only mount obtainable during a dungeon in the expansion (apart from raids) directly from the corpse of a boss. It is accessible to players who venture into the Rise of Utgarde in Heroic Mode (the mount is not droppable in Normal Mode) and overcome its third boss: Skadi the Brutal.

To be able to access this boss, you will first have to overcome Svala Grimtomb, Gormok the Impaler, but also a whole bunch of so-called "trash" creatures. The road is nevertheless rather easy and fast, the bosses and creatures present in this dungeon generally not representing a real challenge even in Heroic Mode.

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    No achievement is required to obtain this very rare mount. All you have to do is kill Skadi the Brutal and cross your fingers: the rate of obtaining the blue Proto-drake is 1%, which means that you will most likely need more than one attempt to get your hands on it! But beware: like other mounts of the same type, only one per group can be obtained for each victory against Skadi the Brutal each day. So you will probably have to negotiate or fight against your own playmates to get it!

    If you manage to obtain this particularly sumptuous mount, be aware that it does not offer the slightest additional reward: neither achievement nor feat. Simply the great pleasure of having obtained it and being able to ride it at your leisure in Northrend and Outland (and that's already not bad)!

Blue Proto-Drake Appearance

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
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Julien bxakid

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