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WoW WotlLK: World First level 80 has already been awarded!

WoW WotlLK: World First level 80 has already been awarded!

Landed World First level 80 on World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion! It's Naowh, a Paladin Protection, who wins this frantic leveling race in less than 9 hours of rush! Congratulations to him!

While many players have (re)discovered the exceptional length of the leveling of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic extension of World of Warcraft, there is one who has nevertheless given everything to shorten this phase as much as possible. This player is Naowh, a very high level Tank on the modern (Retail) version of the game. He managed to reach level 80 in just one night, in the early morning, and the achievement deserves to be celebrated. salute!

WotLK Classic leveling speedrun: The trick!

Of course, it is absolutely unusual to achieve such a feat in such a short time. Because you have to realize the feat: Naowh reached level 80 in less than 9 hours, 8:47 to be precise. With a total of 14,507,200 experience points required between levels 70 and 80, it takes in theory a good twenty hours at least playing "normally" to reach this stage. But then how could he achieve this feat in less than 10 hours?

In fact, to understand how it works, you have to understand other little-known mechanisms that will have been widely used in this regard:

  1. When you group with players, each brings a "Group Bonus" to the experience gained. For each player present in the group, the base experience gained for each creature killed is thus distributed equally among all the players, but the presence of each of them also adds a bonus to compensate for this loss.
  2. If you kill a creature while being grouped with other players but they are dead, the bonus to the experience they bring is maintained but only the players still alive at the time of the death of the creature. creature divide the total experience (that which is normally divided in the group + that of the bonus provided by each member of the group)
  3. In Icecrown, there is an Elite NPC named Rokir who summons a dozen ghouls in a loop with his Zombie Horde . If you kill these zombies before the next wave, they offer a lot of experience... And it works as long as you stay alive!

    Thus, Naowh has concretely exploited these three mechanics combined with the fact that he is Paladin Protection , and therefore by definition very resistant while also having a heavy area DPS. Grouped with 4 other players, he went (the beginning of leveling having probably been done by farming dungeons using the same mechanics) to Rokir in Icecrown and left his playmates to die and asked them to remain in "ghost form" while he levels up. The rest, you can imagine: Naowh pull Rokir, the latter summons his zombies in a loop that the Paladin kills in a loop with his Consecration (among others) and... Here is the "miracle" recipe!

Location of Rokir - World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
Location of Rokir
Rokir, the Horseman of the Unholy - World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King: Classic
Rokir, the Horseman of the Unholy

It is not really possible to know who really obtained the "World First" on this version of the game, it is however assumed that Naowh is at the origin since it seems unlikely that a shorter leveling took place . And then good... A player would undoubtedly have claimed his honorary title if he had gone to even more trouble, wouldn't he?

Congratulations to Naowh that being so since he won not only the honorary title of "World First level 80", but also two particularly rare and exceptional feats of force:

WoW WotLK: How to get Invincible, Arthas' Steed?

Invincible is one of the most prestigious mounts introduced in Phase 4 of World of Warcraft's Wrath of the LIch King Classic expansion. Discover it in detail in this dedicated article, including its detailed method of obtaining.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!