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Rogue Company leaks reveal Dahlia

Rogue Company leaks reveal Dahlia

Some dataminers have found Rogue Company files with the supposed name and visual of the next character in-game. Dahlia could be implanted during the next patch.

Rogue Company leaks reveal Dahlia

After unveiling its 2020 Roadmap, Rogue Company appears to have entered Phase 2. After patch 0.50, custom matches and Rogue mastery system have been implemented in-game.

This leaves only the competitive mode to be deployed and a new playable Rogue. It's precisely this character that seems to have leaked. Dahlia — originally named Netanya in the code — has no known abilities yet.

The only thing we know is that she'll be able to equip a light submachine gun and a semi-automatic rifle. Her kit looks a lot like Scorch's.

Knowing that these are just leaks, it's possible that the game's developers may decide to change her name, her abilities and even her appearance. In any case, she should be coming out in the near future knowing that she can be find in the stats page.

Other files of the game, much vaguer this time, have also been datamined. They concern two other Rogues known as Fixer and Bulwark.

Other than what their silhouette might look like, we have no specific information. It will be interesting to see how these new characters fit in with the current meta.

Image courtesy: @RogueHQnet - Rogue Company
Image courtesy: @RogueHQnet
Image courtesy: @RogueHQnet - Rogue Company
Image courtesy: @RogueHQnet

We currently have no information regarding a release date. Concerning Dahlia, we can imagine that the developers will try to implement her in-game via the next patch.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.