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Zelda Breath of the Wild 2, announcement, E3, Nintendo

Zelda Breath of the Wild 2, announcement, E3, Nintendo

We did not expect this one. During its conference at the 2019 E3, Nintendo just announced that their studio was currently developing the following opus of Breath of the Wild.

Zelda Breath of the Wild, the launch game of the Nintendo Switch and interplanetary success has just seen its sequel announced by this very short video teaser during Nintendo's Nintendo Direct E3 2019. No more information except this very dark cutscene which obviously raises a lot of questions. We are obviously looking forward to hearing more, but we will have to be patient, the game has just been announced as under development.

For now, the only thing we can get our teeth into is this trailer. Powerful, haunting, almost frightening ─ like the sound of a blade on the slate ─ this trailer will make you shiver with fear as much as impatience. Tick-tock, it's hype-o'clock!

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo