Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Guides, News, Tips & Solutions
Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Tifa Lockhart guide

Tifa joins the roster of playable characters early in Final Fantasy VII Remake, and comes with lively gameplay and a more tactical role. Our guides helps you master her quickly!

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Tifa Lockhart guide

Originally from Nibelheim, Tifa shares a dark past with Cloud — one that also pushed her to move to Midgar. She is the owner of the 7th Heaven bar, a place which has become the headquarters of the AVALANCHE group led led by Barret Wallace.

A formidable fighter experienced in martial arts, Final Fantasy VII Remake sees her given a set of techniques that will prove particularly useful on your adventure.


Her role on the battlefield allows you to better control her stagger gauge, and she is the only character capable of increasing the percentage of the stagger gauge — set at a base rate of 160%.

Her basic combos, while rapid, don't deal a lot of damage. However, they will constantly increase enemies' stagger gauge. Her set of unique abilities allows her more latitude in battle.

Unique Abilities

  • Rise and Fall (Triangle): By using this, her unique ability will evolve. From a simple uppercut, it will become a particularly strong shoulder thrust at Level 2, then a triple kick at Level 3, Each use takes you down one level.
    These three attacks are very important for the optimization of your battles, since you will deal a lot of damage to staggered enemies. Using them will require anticipation, but they are essential tools for overcoming the more difficult battles.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
  • Whirling Uppercut - 1 ATB bar: As indicated above, this technique evolves up to two extra times. We recommend that you assign it to a shortcut, as it is a central element of Tifa's gameplay.
  • Omnistrike - 1 ATB bar: A relatively powerful single-target attack that can get you out of trouble by in a pinch.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
  • Somersault - Transcendence: This powerful backwards somersault will hit the target enemy twice, dealing high damage. A fearsome attack, this will be very useful come those boss fights.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

General tips

  • Tifa is the brightest playable character with the longest dodge distance of all in your party. She can change targets very easily, which will be very useful in the larger arenas.
  • There may the possibility of being able to juggle light enemies, although we haven't tested this yet. Enemies knocked in the air are weakened, so this could lead to some effective combos.
  • She comes equipped with the Chakra Materia, which is fairly useful material when it's at a high level. We recommend that you keep it equipped permanently on one of your characters so that it earns AP quickly.
Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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