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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Square Enix answers the question of why Yuffie instead of Vincent

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Guides, News, Tips & Solutions
Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Square Enix answers the question of why Yuffie instead of Vincent

Motomu Toriyama, co-director of Final Fantasy VII Remake has revealed why Yuffie Kisaragi is the focus of FF7R's INTERmission DLC instead of Vincent Valentine.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Square Enix answers the question of why Yuffie instead of Vincent

With the advent of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, the updated and expanded version of Square Enix's reimagining of the classic JRPG, the game got a brand new episode starring Wutai's materia thief, Yuffie Kisaragi.

Now, given the DLC episode adds material and references to Dirge of Cerberus -- a PS2 spin-off that starred Vincent Valentine -- fans are wondering why the former Turk isn't the protagonist instead of Yuffie.

According to co-director Motomu Toriyama in an interview with TheGamer, the answer is simple -- spoilers lie below for the overarching Final Fantasy VII plot, so read on at your own peril! 

Toriyama explains that they chose Yuffie because she gave the developers "more freedom to expand the story for." 

"[Vincent] was canonically sleeping in a coffin under the Shinra Mansion and so could not be moved around," he said in the interview. "Yuffie was journeying around the world as a materia hunter."

It's well known that Final Fantasy VII Remake will have to tweak and adapt the story to fit both the episodic nature of the new title and a whole new audience. As such, fans of the original will need to compromise.

"I want to make it so fans who know the original game and the different Final Fantasy 7 universe titles can look forward to seeing how they all relate and join up with each other," Toriyama said, "while at the same time communicating how deep and amazing the world and characters of Final Fantasy 7 are to newcomers who will not have seen any of them."

FFVII Remake Intergrade will be a timed PS5 exclusive

As revealed during yesterday's Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade trailer, the addon is to be PlayStation 5 exclusive for at least six months from release on June 10.

Jose L. Ortega

La mitad de lo que conocemos es mentira; la otra mitad, una mentira bien construida.