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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 4 Walkthrough: Roche Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 4 Walkthrough: Roche Boss Guide

In the first wholly original arc in Final Fantasy VII Remake, you'll take to the streets in the first motorcycle chase and do battle with an all new character, Roche. Here's our complete walkthrough for Chapter 4.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 4 Walkthrough: Roche Boss Guide

This is the first truly original arc of Final Fantasy VII Remake. As usual, we'll avoid spoilers as much as possible by going to the essentials and advice for the fights when necessary.

Motor Chase

Note that you can pass the chase in New Game +. You'll earn a trophy at the end if you did good enough.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty basic. Everything is more or less shown in the tutorial before the start of the sequence: square to hit left, round to hit right, triangle for the skill and hold L1 if you want to cast it from a distance.

The goal will be to avoid hitting in thin air. Each hit will increase the gauge of the special attack. Once this attack is ready, wait until several enemy vehicles are packed and destroy them all at once with your 360° hitting technique.

Reserve your ranged special for enemies in front of you as well, such as the few bots that will appear in front of you, knowing that these two special attacks draw from the same gauge and don't take advantage of separate resources.

In the battle against Roche, pay close attention to your speed management: knowing how to slow down/brake at the right time to better dodge your attacks is one of the conditions for winning the trophy.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Sector 7-6 Annex Infiltration

After a narrative sequence in one of Midgar's residential areas, the group finds itself at the entrance of a Shinra building.

Before launching the operation, first go to your right, go to the end of the road to get the only chest of the chapter containing 2 hi-potions (behind the table and chairs), then go down to the underground shooting range to blow up the 3 laser turrets, this will give you a "training bonus". Do your shopping if you need to and get ready for the fight.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Materia needed

  • Fire
  • Lightning

Wave 1

Security Officer

For this first confrontation, it will be a matter of reducing the number of officers. There's around 20 of them.


This first wave is completed by two grenadiers. As soon as you see khaki camo in your field of vision, make it your priority target.

Wave 2

Riot Trooper

Both he and the elite officer will spawn next to each other. Cast a fire spell on him to exploit their weakness.

Elite Security Officer

Unlike his colleague, he won't die directly. Pass in Braver mode and swing your sword a few times to finish him off.

Elite Grenadier

As soon as you see him running towards you with the shock trooper, cast the fire spell on him and finish him as quickly as possible in order to take care of the shock trooper.

Shock Trooper

The strategy doesn't change for this type of enemy. Switch to Braver mode, raise your guard and wait for him to make the first move to counter it automatically. Take advantage of him stepping back to throw a Focused Thrust.

Wave 3

Guard Dog

Easy wave with a dozen guard dogs. Like the officers of the first wave, pack them, then cast some fire to weaken them.

Then, launch a quick chain of attack with the iron blade to make stagger them, then finish them off.

Wave 4


Two sweepers are coming in before the boss fight. Take them one by one, do not change the target during the fight while trying to accumulate 2 ATB bars, then exploit their weakness by throwing lightning at them. The impact caused by the magic should make them wobble, the perfect opportunity to throw a focused thrust. Summons are available for this fight.

Boss fight (Roche)

  • Like the shock troops: Braver mode and guard up, to allow you to parry and directly counter his assaults in hand-to-hand combat. This is also valid for the big slash of his second phase.
  • Beware of the name of the techniques which is displayed in red above the enemy's head. All Roche's special attacks can be dodged with a simple roll to the side. As for the ice spells he sends, they are very easy to dodge.
  • Roche will eventually let his guard down completely, putting him more easily in a vulnerable position: as soon as you see him go into the air, throw a focused thrust for heavy damage on the stagger bar.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Mysterious and Enigmatic Spectres

After a small narrative moment following the fight against Roche, Cloud is awakened by strange specters and is soon joined by Tifa: head for the 7th Heaven and the rest of the gang.


For Mysterious Spectres, just watch out for their shadowy peak attack, indicated as a special attack in red. They are not very resistant and should evaporate in a few attacks in Braver mode.
For the second battle and the Enigmatic Spectres, you won't be able to reach it directly: to weaken it, destroy as many mysterious spectres as possible, this should lower its guard. Once this is done, you have a short time to attack him with the best techniques of your 2 fighters.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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