Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Stagger Guide

The stagger gauge is central to battle gameplay in Final Fantasy VII Remake, but it's also the most complex element to grasp. We've put together guide on how it works, and how you can use it to maximise your damage.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Stagger Guide

Here's a guide on how to make the most of the stagger system in Final Fantasy VII Remake. This is a great way to deal a lot of damage without forcing too much.

Step 1: Identify the enemy's weak point

You need a character in your team with the materia to scan all the enemies you come across. That way, you'll learn about their weaknesses, as well as many statistical details that will help you better identify the threat. Look at the red icon at the top right of the enemy file to find out what type of attack you should use against them.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Step 2: Exploit the weak point

Take advantage of the information you have just gathered by casting a spell on the enemy. It should stagger him and leave him weaker. This gives you a little time to raise the orange gauge very quickly thanks to the good attacks, like Cloud's Iron Blade Focused Thrust.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Step 3: Take advantage of the weakness and fill the stagger gauge

This is where everything plays out. You will need plenty of ATB as the assault requires a minimum of anticipation if you are facing a tougher enemy. As soon as you see the enemy waver or release his guard, do not wait a second and go to the command menu, then launch your special stagger gauge attack (s).

A good combo to fill the bar of a weakened enemy: Focused Thrust from Cloud + Focused Shot from Barret.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Step 4: Increase the% of stagger damage

Tifa is the fighter you want in your group to increase the percentages and maximize the damages. Our strategy to at least reach 200% stagger is very simple: before the enemy is staggered, use Tifa's unique ability, stagger the enemy and chain your 3 "triangle" attacks with Tifa.

Step 5: Hit hard, optimize the damage

All these actions take time and the stagger time goes by very quickly, so you'll have to take advantage of it while taking into account the cast time of your attacks and spells.

Our little favorite is Cloud's Infinity's End. At the limit, throw it while you're still using Tifa's unique ability.

Limit Breaks are also an excellent way to get the most out of the stagger bar, but again, throw them well in advance to ensure maximum damage during the few seconds allotted with the bonus.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Aerial Attacks

Well-known to fighting game fans, it consists in keeping an enemy in the air with a series of blows. It's possible to juggle some light enemies that take off with Tifa's uppercuts or Cloud Punisher mode sword strikes.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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