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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 9 Walkthrough: Shears’ Counterattack Sidequest

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 9 Walkthrough: Shears’ Counterattack Sidequest

The Shear's Counterattack sidequest in Final Fantasy VII Remake will become available to you once you've completed The Price of Thievery in Wall Market. Here's what you need to know about taking down the Jury-Rigged Cutter in the Colosseum to complete this quest.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 9 Walkthrough: Shears’ Counterattack Sidequest

After completing the quest Burning Thighs and the hidden quest The Price of Thievery, return to the Colosseum with Cloud for a fight between the man (or the ex-soldier) and the machine in the chapter 9 of Final Fantasy VII Remake.

NOTE: Your choices in Wall Market depend on which set of side-quests you get. You will either receive The Party Never Stops and Dynamite Body, OR you will get The Price of Thievery and Shears' Counterattack. In order to unlock the Best in the Business trophy, you will need to replay this chapter twice once you unlock Chapter Select.

Here are the choices you should make in order to have access to this side quest:

  • Meet Sam the cowboy at the start of the chapter and tell him that Tifa “She’s great at handling the books”
  • DO NOT follow Johnny in the market, and do not talk to the man in front of the hotel, the receptionist or Johnny.
  • When Sam asks you to choose heads or tails, answer "Heads".
  • Choose the luxury massage option at 3000 gil at Madame M.
  • Respond to Aerith that her outfit “Looks comfortable”.
  • Complete ‘The Underground Colosseum’ main objective & “Parting Ways” main objective
  • Complete both Burning Thighs and The Price of Thievery side quests.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Shears’ Counterattack

  • Quest Giver: Gatekeeper
  • Area: Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market

The quest in itself is direct, speak to the NPC in front of Madame M's massage parlor, who will direct you to the Colosseum for a last fight. Then speak to the gatekeeper of the arena, then select a special combat in order to have access to the specific confrontation of this quest. You will have to face a Jury-Rigged Cutter. Equip the basic Elemental Materia and bind a Lightning Materia should make things much easier.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager