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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 16 Walkthrough: Specimen H0512 Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 16 Walkthrough: Specimen H0512 Boss Guide

Specimen H0512 is one of Professor Hojo's twisted experiments, and it won't be an easy fight. Our guide helps you prepare for this boss in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 16 Walkthrough: Specimen H0512 Boss Guide

The infiltration of the Shinra tower is going well despite the obvious lack of discretion of our trio in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Prepare yourself psychologically for a lot of surprises, good and bad, and a lot of bosses. We open the dance with this abomination following the failure of the hostage taking of this brave professor Hojo. For this fight, the members of the group are the classics Cloud, Barret and Tifa.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Planning & Materia

  • A bench and a vending machine will allow you to rest in a room a little before the boss, this will allow you to approach the fight in great shape.
  • This boss has no particular weakness, just avoid the lightning Materia because there is a partial resistance to this element. Providing zone attack techniques can greatly help in this fight.
  • Having one or more group members equip Healing Materia is also highly recommended. Giving self-healing Materia or similar items to your teammates can allow you to focus on your own survival.
  • The fat chocobo's summon should do miracles with its zone attacks. Unfortunately, it seems that Leviathan cannot be summoned here.
  • It's not of much importance, but an Timeworn Talisman can be stolen from this boss.

Specimen H0512 abilities

  • Rake: Violent melee attacks. Block or dodge.
  • Noxious Expulsion: An area attack that releases a stream of poisoned liquid.
  • Seize: The boss catches a character and deals heavy damage. You can free the character with a violent attack on the boss or by destroying his left arm.
  • Regrowth: The specimen will regularly regenerate its left Claw.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake


  • The fight against the specimen is like the one against Apsu in Chapter 14. However, in his case, he will rely more on his offspring to inflict damage in his place, and he will regularly invoke reinforcements. The offspring are fragile, but they are very numerous, and their ability to cast spells makes them both dangerous and painful. We therefore advise you to start by destroying the left arm of the boss, which is fragile, then eliminate the vermin before concentrating your firepower on the body of the boss. Cloud's triple attack always works wonders in these kinds of situations.
  • Barret always does wonders also for targeting a specific part of the boss and adds them with its maximum Fury. In addition, as this boss does not tend to darken in melee, you can machine gun quite quietly.
  • It will be necessary to repeat the operation several times, with the advance in the phases of the combat, it will reinforce its summons and to call always more. You can wait a while to call the invocation, so that it will assist you in the final phase. The fat chocobo's final attack inflicts huge area damage that will clean the room, for example.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager