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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Motor Ball Boss Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Walkthrough: Chapter by Chapter
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Motor Ball Boss Guide

The final part of Final Fantasy VII Remake sees our heroes make their getaway in a high-speed chase. However, there's a deadly encounter waiting at the end of the freeway... Our boss guide will help Cloud and his gang defeat the Motor Ball.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Chapter 18 Walkthrough: Motor Ball Boss Guide

After destroying bikers, helicopters and mechs, he will have to face a real heavily armed boss, known as Motor Ball in the original game of 1997. Here's a guide on how to send it back to the garage in this Final Fantasy VII Remake boss fight.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Planning & Materia

  • No preparations here or equipment whatsoever. However, we advise you to learn how to handle your motorcycle correctly. It may surprise you, but the brakes are very useful in reality!
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Boss Abilities

  • Gunfire: This technique does not inflict much damage but it cannot really be dodged. You can block it with R1, but that prevents you from accelerating.
  • Wheel Slam: Motor ball will regularly lift the 3 wheels on the side where you are positioned in order to crush you. You have to brake, shift, then go to the other side to attack the other wheels. Or shift enough and wait for it to rest.
  • Charge Laser: When the boss's torso and arms turn in your direction and it charges energy, it's a bad sign. Two huge lasers will be fired. The only thing to do is to brake.
  • Flame Spin: After each stagger phase of the boss, he will unleash this attack all around him. Once again, you have to brake and keep a safe distance. It is also better to shift.
  • Electric Bombs: Probably the most difficult attack to avoid from the lot. After the first stagger phase, when Motor Ball gets ahead of you, it will sow dozens of electric balls on the road. You will have to zigzag to avoid them. Try to accelerate at the same time to catch up with the boss and end this mini phase.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake


  • It is very easy to lose during this fight, as it's impossible to heal and some techniques do a lot of damage. Just take your time and be methodical. The priority is to dodge the boss' attacks, which consists in the majority of cases in braking with L2.
  • Your first objective in this fight is to destroy the 6 wheels of the boss. For this, the best technique is to use the ranged attacks (L1 + Triangle). By positioning yourself well in the axis of the wheels, you can hit three of them with a single projectile. You can then accelerate to finish them off with a sword, or simply wait for your ranged attack to recharge. Be careful, you'll be exposed to almost all of the boss's attacks when you attack the wheels with you sword.
  • When the 6 wheels are destroyed, the boss goes into stagger, as you will notice, you do not inflict much damage, but each blow increases the percentage of additional damage. So stay close to the boss and attack as long as possible. After several phases of stagger, you will be at 500% or more. Be careful however, the first thing the boss will do at the end of the stagger phase will be to use his Flame Spin, so you'll have to brake urgently.
  • The boss will then regenerate part of his wheels, and we will have to start the same cycle again. As said above, go slowly and methodically, it's not a race (ironically).
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager