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Demon's Souls: How to respec your character

Demon's Souls: How to respec your character

Want to rebuild your character to better optimize your game in Demon's Souls? Re-allocating stats points is a long and complicated process.

Demon's Souls: How to respec your character

Unlike Dark Souls, Demon's Souls doesn't allow you to simply reset all your feature points earned over the levels and freely reallocate them as you see fit.

Strangely, Bluepoint Games did not introduce this essential option in its remake. You're not completely without options, but they are terribly troublesome.

Losing levels

The only way you can reallocate feature points is to lose levels and re-invest them. This is obviously not something you're normally going to want to do. Since the cost of levels is getting higher and higher, it's sometimes faster to lose a few dozen levels when you're at a high level than it is to farm the millions of souls required. The other option is to remake a character.

When you lose a level, it's your highest characteristics — outside of Vitality — that are likely to be drained.

There are 3 ways to lose levels. The first is the easiest and the most accessible.

  • Use the Black Eye Stone to invade another player, and get killed. You will lose a level in addition to being sent back to your world.
  • Another way to lose levels is to attack Mephistopheles at the Nexus. She uses the Soulsucker spell, which will cause you to lose one level. The requirements to make her appear in the Nexus are quite demanding, however.
  • Finally, you can go and confront Old King Going. He also uses a Soul Drain technique. However, he's not very accessible, as he's more or less acting as a final boss at the end of the game.

Original content by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet.

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Laure Laborde
Laure Laborde

Freelance Writer and Editor for Millenium FR & US - Indie lover and horror enthusiast.